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TACC 2021 : First Tunisian-Algerian Joint Conference on Applied Computing


When Dec 18, 2021 - Dec 19, 2021
Where Tabarka, Tunisia
Submission Deadline Sep 25, 2021
Notification Due Nov 1, 2021
Final Version Due Dec 1, 2021
Categories    computer science   applied computing   software engineering   artificial intelligence

Call For Papers

The Tunisian Algerian Conference on Applied Computing (TACC 2021) is an ideal platform for keeping up with advances and changes to a consistently evolving field. Leading researchers and industry experts from Tunisia and Algeria will be presenting the latest studies through papers and oral presentations. This conference edition is dedicated to the study of applied research of real-world problems. It aims to address, through two tracks, both theoretical and applied computer science issues. In addition, a one-day workshop will be held in conjunction with the conference which will focus on the system of systems architecture and applications. Exceptionally, depending on the evolution of coronavirus pandemic the conference would have a hybrid format.

The TACC conference includes 2 main tracks:

Track 1: Recent Research in fundamental & Applied Computing

This general track is dedicated to computer scientists, engineers, and practitioners to present their findings and research results in various areas of computer theories & applications. Its mission is to further the interests of researchers, educators, students, and industries, engaged in the design and development of new computing methods, languages, and tools, computing applications, etc. This event provides an avenue to discuss and exchange new ideas in a wide spectrum of application areas. We all recognize the importance of keeping up with the latest developments in our current areas of expedites.

This general conference track invites papers from the following fields, but is not limited to :

Artificial Intelligence and Agents
Distributed Systems
Information Systems
Software Engineering
Software Architecture
System and Software Security
Algorithms, automata, and complexity
Logic, semantics, and theory of programming
Static analysis, verification, and testing

Track 2: Doctoral Symposium

The Doctoral Symposium Track is an international forum for Ph.D. students studying all areas related to the fields of the TACC 2021 conference (see track 1 topics). It will be a good opportunity for Ph.D. students to share and discuss their research in a constructive and critical atmosphere and also to interact with other Ph.D. students and stimulate the exchange of ideas, suggestions, and experiences among participants.

We seek Ph.D. students who have either determined the direction of their thesis research (probably with some preliminary results already published), but who still have substantial work to complete or Ph.D. student participants who are in the early stages of their dissertations. It is not required to have a paper accepted for the main conference to participate in the Doctoral Symposium Track.

Submission Guidelines

All submissions must be conform to the TACC 2021 formatting and submission instructions (for both LaTeX and Word users) that correspond to the one column style for CEUR-WS available at Depending on the chosen track, we expect:

Recent Research in Applied Computing: Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings. This track is open to academics and industry papers. Papers should not exceed 12-pages.
Doctoral Symposium: Submissions of 6-pages presenting your Ph.D. research plan and progress, including the title of the paper and the author’s name, problem statement, motivations, and current progress.
Papers must be written in English and must be submitted electronically in PDF format. All paper submissions will be handled through the Easy Chair conference management system:

The proceedings shall be submitted to for online publication.


The conference will be held in Tabarka, a coastal town located in north-western Tunisia, close to the border with Algeria. Tabarka's history is a mosaic of Berber, Punic, Hellenistic, Roman, Arabic, Genoese and Turkish culture. The town is dominated by an offshore rock on which remains a Genoese castle. Tourist attractions include its coral fishing, the Coralis Festival of underwater photography, and its annual jazz festival.


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