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WOSIDA 2015 : 5th Workshop on Autonomic Distributed Systems


When May 18, 2015 - May 22, 2015
Where Vitória - ES, Brazil
Submission Deadline Mar 30, 2015
Notification Due Apr 16, 2015
Final Version Due Apr 25, 2015
Categories    distributed systems   autonomic computing   computer science

Call For Papers

WoSiDA 2015
Co-located with SBRC 2015 - Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks
and Distributed Systems

Distributed systems and applications are becoming increasingly large,
complex and hard to manage, especially when they provide services that
need to be scalable, secure and continuously available. Run time
adaptation of system aspects is one of the possible solutions to cope
with dynamic changes in resource availability or user requirements, or
to deal with events affecting the system operation, such as intrusions
or faults. However, due to the size and complexity of these
distributed systems, the adaptation procedures must be done in an
automated way. Therefore, these systems must be self-manageable and
able to continually reconfiguring and tuning themselves to attain
certain goals while keeping its complexity hidden from the users.

The study of such self-managing systems is not confined to the
distributed systems arena. A great deal of attention to
self-management problems is found in various research areas, from
robotics to software engineering, including network management,
automation and control systems, fault-tolerant and dependable
computing, and biological computing. Among the efforts to study and
understand self-managing systems, the autonomic computing paradigm,
inspired by the human autonomic nervous system, is being adopted by
many for the design of systems and applications that must work in
accordance with high-level guidance from humans. Autonomic
applications are characterized by the so-called self-* properties
(such as self-configuration, self-healing, self-optimization,
self-protection, etc.). This workshop aims at bringing together
researchers and practitioners from the distributed systems community
to discuss the fundamental principles, state of the art, and critical
challenges of self-managing or autonomic distributed systems. The
workshop not only focuses on distributed system models and algorithms,
but also on the related software engineering aspects, tools, and
technologies, which can be used to support self-managing behavior in
distributed systems.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to: distributed
system models and algorithms; programming, design, middleware and
language support for autonomic distributed systems; modeling and
analysis of autonomic distributed systems; verification and
validation; dependability aspects of autonomic distributed systems;
self-organizing aspects as a support to autonomic behavior in Grids,
P2P systems and sensor networks; bio-inspired algorithms and
techniques; and autonomic networking.

Authors are invited to submit position papers of a maximum 4 page
length in the SBC format (written in English, Portuguese, or Spanish).
The program committee will favor papers that are likely to generate
discussions at the workshop and those that are supported by some form
of experimental validation, including but not limited to

At least one author of an accepted paper must register at the
symposium and present the paper at the workshop.

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