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SCALE 2010 : The Third IEEE International Scalable Computing Challenge


When May 17, 2010 - May 20, 2010
Where Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Submission Deadline Feb 1, 2010
Notification Due Feb 15, 2010
Categories    parallel computing   challenge

Call For Papers

The Third IEEE International Scalable Computing Challenge (SCALE
2010), sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on
Scalable Computing (TCSC).

Objective and Focus: The objective of the Third IEEE International
Scalable Computing Challenge (SCALE 2010), sponsored by the IEEE
Computer Society Technical Committee on Scalable Computing (TCSC), is
to highlight and showcase real-world problem solving using computing
that scales.

Effective solutions to many scientific problems require applications
that can scale. There are different dimensions to application scaling:
for example, applications can scale-up to large number of cores or
compute units, scale-out to utilize multiple distinct compute units,
or scale-down to release resources that are no longer needed. In order
to scale, applications need the support of tools, middleware,
infrastructure, programming systems, etc. SCALE is concerned with
advances in application development and supporting infrastructure that
enable scaling.

Call for Proposals: The Third IEEE International Scalable Computing
Challenge (SCALE 2010) contest will focus on end-to-end problem
solving using concepts, technologies and architectures (including
Clusters, Grids and Clouds) that facilitate scaling. Participants in
the challenge will be expected to identify significant current
real-world problems where scalable computing techniques can be
effectively used, and design, implement, evaluate and demonstrate
solutions. SCALE2010 will be held in conjunction with the 10th CCGrid
Conference in Melbourne, Australia on 17-20 May, 2010.

We invite teams to submit white papers outlining the problem addressed
and the technologies employed to enable applications to scale. White
papers should be up to 4 pages long, 12-pt. font and single column,
and in addition to listing team members and contact information,
should clearly outline:

1. The problem being solved and the technology employed

2. The application scenario and its requirements

3. Performance data and a qualitative description of how the
application scales -- scale-up, scale-out or any other type of scaling

4. The solution -- architecture, underlying concepts and technologies
used -- highlighting the innovative aspects of the solution

5. Impact of the solution, including extensibility and uniqueness of
results, and the extent to which the presented solution pushes the
envelope in scalable computing

6. Analysis of solution and technology employed compared to related

Papers will be shortlisted using the above 6 points as merit criteria,
and up to 6 papers will be invited to compete in a final round at
CCGrid 2010.

In addition to the above, finalists will be judged on the quality of
their presentation, which shall include a 5-minute demonstration, as
well as their responses to questions by a technical committee.

Participation from students and young researchers, especially in
leadership roles, is strongly encouraged. Selected teams will receive
an award of up to $1000 to help with travel to the conference. At
least one member from each selected team will be expected to present
and demonstrate their project at CCGrid 2010.

First prize: Plaque + $1000
Third prize: Plaque + $500

Tentative timeline:
The deadline for submitting proposals is 01 Feb, 2010. Decisions: 15 Feb, 2010.
Final presentation/demo: 17-20 May, 2010.

Daniel S. Katz, Computation Institute, University of Chicago, USA, dsk at ci dot uchicago dot edu
Shantenu Jha, CCT, Louisiana State University, USA, sjha at cct dot lsu dot edu

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