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CNS 2010 : CNS*2010 Nineteenth Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting


When Jul 24, 2010 - Jul 30, 2010
Where Sheraton Gunther Hotel, San Antonio, TX
Abstract Registration Due May 15, 2010
Submission Deadline Feb 14, 2010
Notification Due Apr 16, 2010
Categories    computational neuroscience

Call For Papers

CNS*2010 Nineteenth Annual International Computational Neuroscience Conference
July 24 - July 30, 2010
San Antonio, Texas, USA

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: February 14, 2010 (11 PM Pacific Time, USA)

( or

CNS*2010 will be held in San Antonio, Texas, USA July 24-30th, 2010.
The meeting will kick off with a day of tutorials and an evening
welcome reception on July 24th. The main meeting of CNS*2010 will
take place from Sunday July 25th-Wednesday July 28th, including a
special Symposium, "Twenty years of computational success", on the
afternoons of July 26th-27th. These events will be followed by two
days of workshops on July 29-30th (Thursday-Friday).

The main meeting will be held in the historic Sheraton Gunter Hotel in
central San Antonio, one block from San Antonio's Famous River Walk.
San Antonio is home to several universities including the University
of Texas Health Science Center - San Antonio and the University of
Texas San Antonio, which are both sponsoring CNS*2010. As is
traditional, the CNS banquet will be an interesting and culturally
themed event, hosted at Sundance Ranch on July 28th.

Submissions can include experimental, model-based, as well as more
abstract theoretical approaches to understanding neurobiological
computation. We especially encourage research that mixes experimental
and theoretical studies. We also accept papers that describe new
technical approaches to theoretical and experimental issues in
computational neuroscience or relevant software packages.

Miguel Nicolelis, Duke University, USA, Frontiers of Computational
Neuroscience Lecturer

Vivian Mushahwar, University of Alberta, Canada

Jonathan Wolpaw, Wadsworth Center and SUNY, USA

Submissions to the meeting will take the form of a formatted abstract.
Submission instructions and submission website are at

Authors wanting an oral presentation are required to also submit a
1-3-page summary (for the OCNS reviewers only) describing the nature,
scope and main results of the work in more detail. The summaries will
be reviewed to construct the oral program. All submissions will be
acknowledged by e-mail.

Submissions will be judged and accepted for the meeting based on
clarity, substance and appropriateness for the meeting. It is
particularly important that the biological relevance of the research
be made clear. OCNS strongly believes in the open exchange of ideas
and rejections are usually based on absence of biological relevance
(e.g., pure machine learning). We will notify authors of abstract
acceptance by April 16, 2010.

Submissions to be considered for oral presentation will be reviewed by
two independent referees and results of the review process will be
used to construct the oral program. In addition to perceived quality
and significance, the novelty of the research and the diversity and
coherence of the overall program will be considerations for selection
as an oral presentation. We particularly encourage women and
underrepresented minorities to apply for an oral presentation. To
ensure diversity, those who have given talks in the recent past will
not be selected and multiple oral presentations from the same lab will
be discouraged. Most oral presentations will be 20 minutes in length,
but a few papers will be selected for longer "featured oral"

All accepted papers not selected for oral talks may be presented
during the poster sessions. Authors will be notified of the
presentation format of their papers by the end of April.

The formatted abstracts will again be published as a Supplement to the
online journal BMC Neuroscience. The supplement is citable, indexed by
PubMed, and open access.

At least one author must register for CNS*2010 by the early
registration deadline of May 15, 2010 for the abstract to be published
and included in the program book. Last year's abstracts are available
at the URLs:

Limited number of travel grant awards, based on abstract review, will
be available to students. See instructions for requesting travel
awards at Recipients of travel grants will be
notified by May 5, 2010.

Student posters presented at CNS*2010 will also be judged for cash
prizes awarded at the meeting.

Please check periodically for announcement of
additional categories of awards for postdoctoral fellows.

The CNS*2010 meeting is organized by the Organization for
Computational Neurosciences, Inc.
President: Ranu Jung (Arizona State U, USA)
Program chair: Don H. Johnson (Rice U, USA)
Local organizers: James Bower, Charles Wilson, and Todd Troyer (U.
Texas, San Antonio, USA)
Program Committee:
Victoria Booth (U Michigan, USA)
Hide Cateau (RIKEN, Japan)
Gennady Cymbalyuk (Georgia State U, USA)
Andrew Davison (UNIC, France)
Jean-Marc Fellous (U Arizona, USA; Publication Chair)
Boris Gutkin, (ENS, France)
Jeanette Hellgren-Kotaleski (Royal Institute of Technology &
Karolinska Institute, Sweden)
Simon Schultz (Imperial College, UK)
Harel Shouval (U Texas Medical School, USA)
Volker Steuber (U Hertfordshire, UK)
Miriam Zacksenhouse (Technion, Israel)


OCNS - Organization for Computational Neurosciences, Inc.

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