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IWOCL 2015 : The International Workshop on OpenCL


When May 12, 2015 - May 13, 2015
Where Stanford University, California
Submission Deadline Feb 14, 2015
Notification Due Mar 31, 2015
Final Version Due Apr 30, 2015
Categories    full papers   technical presentations   tutorials   posters

Call For Papers

Now in its third year, the International Workshop on OpenCL (IWOCL, pronounced "eye-wok-ul") will be held at Stanford University in California on May 12-13.

The call for papers is out now. We are inviting submissions related to the use of the OpenCL parallel programming standard in four categories:

1) Full academic papers. These will undergo peer review, with accepted papers being published in the ACM international conference proceedings series after the conference.

2) Technical presentations. These are an opportunity to talk about work in progress or more industrial work. Submission only requires an abstract, with slide sets being made available online via the conference website after the workshop.

3) Tutorials. We are inviting proposals for half day or full day tutorials on OpenCL-related topics. All tutorials will take place on the first day of the workshop, May 12th.

4) Posters. These will be on show during the whole workshop. Submission is via an abstract and we will exhibit as many of high-quality posters as we can.

Details of how to submit your full paper, technical presentation or tutorial proposal via EasyChair can be found in the CFP here:

Deadline for submissions is 23.59 AOE on Saturday February 14th. Please note that this is Valentine's Day, so we recommend submitting at least one day in advance!

Hope to see many of you at Stanford in May!

Best wishes,

Simon McIntosh-Smith, University of Bristol
Ben Bergen, Los Alamos National Laboratory
IWOCL co-chairs

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