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BritGrad 2015 : British Graduate Shakespeare Conference


When Jun 4, 2015 - Jun 6, 2015
Where Stratford-upon-Avon
Submission Deadline Apr 23, 2015
Categories    shakespeare   renaissance   early modern   medieval

Call For Papers

BritGrad 2015 CFP

4-6 June 2015
The Shakespeare Institute, University of Birmingham

We invite graduate students with interests in Shakespeare, Renaissance, and Early Modern Studies to join us in June for the Seventeenth Annual British Graduate Shakespeare Conference.

This interdisciplinary conference, celebrating its seventeenth anniversary in 2015, provides a friendly and stimulating academic forum in which graduate students from all over the world can present their research on Shakespeare, the Early Modern period, or the Renaissance. In accordance with the Shakespeare Institute’s emerging reputation as a place for creative criticism, we also encourage creative responses. The conference takes place in an active centre of Shakespeare and Early Modern scholarship in Shakespeare’s home town, Stratford-upon-Avon. Undergraduate students in their final two years of study are also invited to attend the conference as auditors.

Plenary speakers include Chris Laoutaris (University of Birmingham), Laurie Maguire (University of Oxford), and Andy Kesson (University of Roehampton). See our blog for information on plenary speakers as they are confirmed.

We invite abstracts of up to 200 words for papers twenty minutes in length on subjects relating to Shakespeare, Early Modern, and/or Renaissance studies. More creative forms of criticism, including original writing, may be submitted, also requiring a 200 word abstract. We welcome papers from a wide variety of disciplines, from literature to art history and beyond. Delegates wishing to give papers must register by 23 April 2015. (Abstracts cannot be considered until the delegate has registered.) Auditors are encouraged to register by 21 May 2015 for early-bird pricing. Due to the growing success of this annual conference, we strongly encourage early registration to ensure a place on the conference programme.

For more information, find us on Facebook, on Twitter, and at, or email

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