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IoT-SoS 2015 : The fourth IEEE Workshop on the Internet of Things: Smart Objects and Services


When Jun 14, 2015 - Jun 14, 2015
Where Boston -USA
Submission Deadline Mar 27, 2015
Notification Due Apr 30, 2015
Final Version Due May 7, 2015
Categories    internet of things   smart objects   machine to machine   IOT

Call For Papers

MARCH 27, 2015



IoT-SoS 2015
The fourth IEEE Workshop on the
Internet of Things: Smart Objects and Services

co-located with IEEE WoWMoM 2015
sponsored by IEEE, IEEE Computer Society

June 14, 2015
Boston, Massachusetts, USA


Extended version of the top papers from the workshop will be invited
for possible publication in a special issue of the International Journal
of Distributed Sensor Networks


The Internet of Things (IoT) is a novel paradigm which is shaping
the evolution of the future Internet. According to the vision underlying
the IoT, the next step in increasing the ubiquity of the Internet is
to connect inanimate objects. By providing objects with
embedded communication capabilities and a common addressing scheme, a
highly distributed and ubiquitous network of seamlessly
connected heterogeneous devices is formed, which can be fully
integrated into the current Internet and mobile networks. Thus, it
allows for the development of new intelligent services available
anytime, anywhere, by anyone and anything.

When human interaction is absent from the system dynamics, the vision
is also referred to as Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications.
Many applications with high social and business impact fall under
the IoT/M2M umbrella, including personal healthcare, smart grids,
smart city, surveillance, home automation, intelligent transportation,
and it is strongly expected that new applications will emerge once
the enabling technologies reach a stable state. Presently, two of the
most important challenges for the widespread use of IoT/M2M
technologies are: i) architectures, protocols and algorithms for
efficient interconnection of smart objects; and ii) the creation
of value-added services enabled by the interconnection of smart objects.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together practitioners and
researchers from both academia and industry to discuss recent advances
in theory, application, and implementation of the IoT/M2M
technologies, protocols, algorithms, and services.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- System architectures for IoT/M2M systems
- Protocols and mechanisms for seamless IoT/M2M communications
- Enabling standards and technologies for the IoT/M2M
- Service platforms for IoT/M2M applications
- Business models and processes for IoT/M2M applications
- Energy optimization and sustainable operation of
IoT/M2M devices
- Access network issues; including mobility management,
data dissemination and routing
- Modeling and simulation of large-scale IoT/M2M scenarios
- Experiences with experimental IoT/M2M system prototypes,
pilots, and testbeds
- Dependability, security and privacy in the IoT/M2M context
- Performance, QoS and SLA in IoT/M2M scenarios
- Industrial use cases showing gaps to be filled by future
- Novel and emerging IoT/M2M applications and case studies
(eHealth, Smart Grids, Intelligent Transportation Systems,
Smart Homes and Cities)

All submissions must describe original research, not published or
currently under review for another workshop, conference, or journal.
Full papers should be restricted to 6 camera-ready pages (10pt font,
double column, US letter size [8.5 × 11 inches] in IEEE format).
Submission of a paper implies the willingness of at least one author
to attend the workshop and present the paper. Accepted papers will
be included in the main proceedings of IEEE WoWMoM 2015 and published
by IEEE. Papers must be submitted via EDAS. All papers must include
title, complete contact information of all authors, abstract and up to
5 keywords on the cover page. Further submission instructions can be
found at the workshop web page at:

Manuscripts Due: March 27, 2015.
Acceptance Notification: April 30, 2015.
Camera-ready Submission: May 7, 2015.

Salvatore Distefano, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Nilanjan Banerjee, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Claudio Cicconetti, MBI S.r.l.
Enzo Mingozzi, University of Pisa
Jaudelice Cavalcante de Oliveira, Drexel University
Xiaohua Jia, City University of Hong Kong

TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE (further nominations are pending)
Ana Aguiar, University of Porto
Baris Atakan, Izmir Institute of Technology
Delphine Christin, Technische Universität Darmstadt
Gianpaolo Cugola Politecnico di Milano
Hongwei Du, Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School
Andrzej Duda, Grenoble Institute of Technology
Burhan Gulbahar, Ozyegin University
Yuan Guo, Wilson, Ham & Holman
Chuanhe Huang, Wuhan University
Antonio Iera, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria
Jussi Kangasharju, University of Helsinki
Joarder Kamruzzaman, Monash University
Olaf Landsiedel, Chalmers University of Technology
Giovanni Merlino , University of Messina
Jukka Nurminen, Aalto University
Andreas Reinhardt TU Clausthal
Christian Renner, University of Lübeck
Ryan Robucci, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Nirmalya Roy, University of Maryland Baltimore County
Muhammad Younas, Oxford Brookes University

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