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Artworks 2016 : Poems, Artworks (Photos, Paintings and Drawings) Invited for Harvests of New Millennium, 2016 Issue


When Feb 15, 2015 - Mar 16, 2016
Where India
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    arts   paintings   poetry

Call For Papers

The mission of Cyberwit is to encourage and promote the visual arts and poetry. Cyberwit's Harvests of New Millennium will be divided into three sections: (1) Photos, Paintings and Drawings, (2) Poetry and (3) Biography of Contributing Artists. The Journal will feature poems and artworks by the artists from all over the world. The poems and artwork selected for Harvests of New Millennium will surely compel our admiration.

Guidelines For Contributors:

Harvests of New Millennium is published in January annually.

Poems may be submitted by all poets, whether first-time or published poets. The poems (maximum 35 lines), must be in English. Poems with a special layout should be sent by email as an attachment using Microsoft Word.

The matter sent for publication must be an original creation of the artist. The plagiarised work should not be submitted. Your submission declares that the work is original, and your own.

The contributors are also advised to give their full address, e-mail, and personal profile while submitting their work.

World copyright of each writings and arts published will rest with the artists and authors. Arts sent will be published only in Harvests of New Millennium.

Proudly published by Cyberwit from the finest paper and composing including beautiful cover and design, Harvests of New Millennium gives you the finest that the Publishing has to offer. A global feel with poets and writers around the world.

The Journal will be in the form of Paperback and will be published by, India.

Guidelines for Artworks Submission:

The artwork must be an original creation of the artist. Submission to Cyberwit will be assumed ownership of the submitter. Send your artwork to us via email with high resolution (Minimum 100 DPI) in JPG, BMP or TIFF.
Each artist will be required to send at least 1-3 paintings (Photos, Paintings and Drawings).
All artworks (Photos, Paintings and Drawings) may be in color or B&W.
Few words about your artwork.
A 50-word note on yourself.
All copyrights remain the property of the artists and photographers.
There is no entry fee for artists juried in. We intend to donate this book to a few libraries of USA and UK. Further we will send its copy to Cyberwit members worldwide. This will surely help to build your image as an international artist.

Dr. Santosh Kumar (India)

Editorial Advisor
AZsacra ZARATHUSTRA (Russia)

How to submit:

A.) By email to

Dr. Santosh Kumar (Editor)
Dr. Karunesh Kumar Agrawal (Managing Editor)
ALLAHABAD - 211011 (U.P.)

Visit the website at

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