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SEIM 2022 : Seventh Conference on Software Engineering and Information Management


When Apr 23, 2022 - Apr 23, 2022
Where Saint Petersburg, Russia
Submission Deadline Feb 9, 2022
Notification Due Mar 22, 2022
Final Version Due Apr 29, 2022
Categories    software engineering   distributed systems   internet of things   formal methods

Call For Papers

The Seventh Conference on Software Engineering and Information Management (SEIM-2022) opens its doors to young researchers and practitioners in various areas of computer science and software engineering, providing an opportunity to present their research, discuss state-of-the-art technology and engage in professional networking.
As before, we consider SEIM to mainly focus on researchers who are just starting out their scientific careers, and hope to ease their introduction to the conference process. On the other hand, SEIM might also be of interest to more experienced researchers, who are aimed at sharing their research with a wider scientific community, as the selected papers will be published on

Papers must be submitted electronically, via the SEIM-2022 EasyChair website (
All submissions must come in PDF format, conform to the conference template, and not exceed 9 pages (including
figures, appendices and references). We also welcome survey papers with an increased page limit of up to 15 pages.
Both Russian and English papers are accepted; the papers should present original work of the authors, not submit-
ted in parallel to other conferences or journals. Russian papers must also include the English title and abstract (see
the conference template for the details), to facilitate its processing by the scientific indices. Papers having content
published elsewhere will not be accepted.
• All submissions have to strictly follow the conference template (see an example in the template).
• All submissions have to be in two-column format.
• Any template changes and deviations such as fonts, fonts sizes, margins, indentations, line spacings changes,
etc. are discouraged and may entail submission rejection.
• The preferred language for submissions is English.
• Submissions written in Russian have to contain two titles and two abstracts – in Russian and in English, see an
example in the template for details.
• Due to a lightweight double-blinded review process discussed below, all submissions have to be written in a
way that does not give away the author’s identity.
• To be eligible for publication in the conference proceedings, the authors must present their work in the confer-
ence and account for the reviewer’s comments and questions in the camera-ready version of the paper to the
best of their abilities.

SEIM-2022 will implement a lightweight double-blind review process. That is, submission authors will be hidden
from reviewers until the initial reviews are submitted to the system. To facilitate this, submitted papers must follow
two rules:
1. author names and institutions must be omitted, and
2. all references to authors’ own related work should be in the third person (e.g., not “We build on our previous
work ...” but rather “We build on the work of...”).
The main reason for implementing this process is to help reviewers make initial judgement about the submission without bias, not to make it impossible for them to discover the authors if they were to try. It means that the submission should not be weakened for the sake of anonymity as well as made harder to review, e.g., by omitting
important references. Unless it is impossible or unreasonably hard, we encourage authors to publish supplementary materials (e.g., code of implemented systems) in an anonymous form (e.g. as an anonymous Git repository). Otherwise, authors should mark references in submissions to the supplementary materials with a commentary stating that following the link may lead to uncovering of authors’ identity.

Conference proceedings will be published after the conference. Selected papers will be submitted for indexation to
the Russian Science Citation Index, best papers will be submitted for indexation to (indexed by Scopus). The selection process will be guided by the results of the post-conference review of the camera-ready versions of the accepted papers.

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