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LDPS 2015 : The first international workshop on Linked Data: Privacy and Security


When Aug 7, 2015 - Aug 7, 2015
Where Shanghai, China
Submission Deadline May 24, 2015
Notification Due Jun 24, 2015
Final Version Due Jul 1, 2015
Categories    linked data   privacy   security

Call For Papers

The Web of Linked Data is continuously growing enriched by data coming from companies, governments and other public sector institutions. In parallel, advances in technologies and applications such as smart mobile devices, data analytics, and social networks, are contributing to the exponential growth of the data over the Web. By processing, analyzing and correlating captured data one can identify relationships among individuals that may denote privacy issues and in some cases be misused. Even anonymized , these data when linked with other data may lead to the individuals to which specific data items are related. Governmental or public organization agencies often need to exchange data set across different organizations making these data available to many other parties. Over the time and although information may be trapped in different silos detail user mobility information may be collected and misused or stolen which may lead to privacy and security concerns.

The goal of this workshop is to attract cyber security researchers, industry practitioners, policy makers, and users who have interest and research work in the linked data approaches, to exchange ideas, techniques and tools, and share experience related to all practical and theoretical aspects of Linked data privacy and security. The workshop seeks original high-quality technical papers from academia, government, and industry. Particular topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Evaluating quality and trustworthiness of linked data
- Tracking provenance and usage of linked data
- Data anonymization
- Authentication, security and access control for linked urban or eGovernement data
- Smart tools/services for integrated urban or eGovernment data
- Linked data application in eGovernement
- Semantics, linked data, vocabularies and best practices
- Security, trust, privacy, and policies

The workshop will take place on August 07, 2015, Shanghai, China, which is a global financial center and a popular tourist destination renowned for its historical landmarks such as The Bund, City God Temple and Yu Garden.

Submission instructions:

Submissions should be made using the easychair conference submission system at:

Papers must be written in English in IEEE 2-column format. Paper submissions must not exceed 8 pages, in PDF only.

Important dates:

Full papers-due: May 24, 2015
Notification of acceptance/rejection: June 24, 2015
Camera-ready due manuscripts: July 01, 2015
Workshop date: August 7, 2015

Program Chairs:

Prof. Maria Sokhn, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO Valais-Wallis), Switzerland

Chen Xiuzhen, Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China

Technical Program Committee

Andrea Maurino – University of Milan-Bicocca, IT
Anne Le Calve, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland
Carminati Barbara, University of Insubria, Italy
Chen Xiuzhen, Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
Dragana Majstorovic, Researcher at University of Koblenz-Landau
Heiko Schuldt, University of Basel, Switzerland
Jeremy Debattista – University of Bonn, Fraunhofer IAIS, DE
Jürgen Umbrich – Vienna University of Economics and Business, AT
Jun Zhao – Lancaster University, UK
Ladjel Bellatreche, ENSMA, France
Maroun Chamoun, University of Saint Joseph of Beirut, Lebanon
Maria Sokhn, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland
Mariana Coanca, Romanian-American University, Romania
Mariano Rico – Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ES
Mathieu d’Aquin – Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, UK
Matteo Palmonari – University of Milan-Bicocca, IT
Matthias Stuermer, Professor at University of Berne, Switzerland
Philippe Cudré- Mauroux, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Pietro Colombo, University of Insubria, Italy
Rima Kilany, University of Saint Joseph of Beirut, Lebanon
Sabrina Kirrane, The Insight Centre for Data Analytics


Telecom ParisTech, France
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Institut Mines-Télécom, France
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO Valais-Wallis), Switzerland

Related Resources

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IJWesT 2025   International Journal of Web & Semantic Technology