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CPAC 2015 : Comics and Popular Arts Conference


When Sep 4, 2015 - Sep 7, 2015
Where Atlanta, GA
Submission Deadline Mar 20, 2015
Categories    philosophy   literature   media   cultural studies

Call For Papers

The Comics and Popular Arts Conference (CPAC) is an annual academic conference for the studies of comics and the popular arts, including science/speculative fiction and fantasy literature, film, and other media, comic books, manga, graphic novels, anime, gaming, etc. CPAC presentations are peer reviewed.

8th Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, September 4-7, 2015

with the support of

The Institute for Comics Studies
Comic Book Convention Conference Series


“The largest multi-media, popular culture convention focusing on science fiction and fantasy, gaming, comics, literature, art, music, and film in the universe!”

This conference takes place at Dragon*Con is part of the Institute for Comics Studies’ mission to promote the study, understanding, and cultural legitimacy of comics and to support the discussion and dissemination of this study and understanding via public venues.

Participants must register for the convention:

Please submit a proposal that engages in substantial scholarly examinations of comic books, manga, graphic novels, anime, science/speculative fiction, fantasy, or other parts of popular culture. A broad range of disciplinary and theoretical perspectives is being sought, including literary and art criticism, philosophy, linguistics, history, and communication. Proposals may range from discussions of the nature of the comics medium, analyses of particular works and authors, discussions of the visual language of comics and manga, comics and pop culture in the classroom, cross-cultural and cross-medium comparisons, and more. We’re open to any topics relevant to the study of comics and the popular arts.

Submission instructions: We seek 100-200 word abstracts for a variety of proposal formats. Please submit at most 1 proposal for an individual oral presentation or poster AND at most 1 proposal to participate in group panel, roundtable, workshop, or book session.

Submit your abstract here:

For individual presentations, fill out the online form as normal. For group proposal formats such as a roundtable or workshop, fill out form listing all co-presenters and their contributions, and describe the general theme of the proposal. For panel proposals consisting of multiple presentations, please make one submission for the panel as a whole describing the overall theme, and one submission for each individual presentation.

This submission process is open everyone, but were especially interested in receiving submissions from members of those groups traditionally underrepresented in academia, such as women, LGTBQIA academics, and academics of color.

Deadline: March 20, 2015.

Send any questions to:

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