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ISC2 2015 : IEEE International Smart Cities Conference | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://sites.ieee.org/isc2/call-for-papers/ | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
The First annual IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2-2015) is the premier conference sponsored by the IEEE Smart Cities Initiative. Original and innovative contributions in smart city research and advanced implementations and deployments are sought for technical sessions. Please submit articles conveying new developments in theory, analytical, and numerical simulation and modeling, experimentation, advanced deployment and case studies, results of laboratory or field operational tests, and other related creative endeavors as well as special educational developments for smart city curricula. The conference theme is Smarter Cities for Sustainability. ---------- TECHNICAL AREAS The technical areas include but are not limited to the following: Smart city theory, modeling and simulation Intelligent infrastructure Sensors and actuators Smart economy development Open data and big data analytics Safety and security systems Smart healthcare and emergency management Smart environment and policy development Citizen engagement and smart governance Connected Vehicle (CV) technologies Smart mobility and transportation Internet of Things (IoT) and smart cities Intelligent vehicle-to-infrastructure integration Smart grid Environmental capital reduction Digital city and smart growth Smart traffic system operations Smart buildings Smart city implementation Pedestrian and bicyclist safety; mobility systems Smart city for special needs Smart manufacturing and logistics Environmental monitoring technologies ---------- BEST STUDENT PAPER AWARD: Articles written and presented by a primary author who is a student will be specially selected for the Best Student Paper Award recognition during the Conference. ---------- WORKSHOPS Proposals are sought for Special Workshops and Tutorials related to the topics and theme of the conference. ---------- HOW TO SUBMIT: Manuscripts of 6 pages in PDF format must be electronically submitted for peer-review in IEEE standard-format at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=isc22015%20 Authors are encouraged to refer to the IEEE manuscripts guidelines: http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html For more information: http://sites.ieee.org/isc2/call-for-papers/ ---------- SPECIAL SESSIONS We invite proposals for Special Sessions from experienced researchers on topics that are new or emerging areas within smart cities. The Special Sessions will provide a forum for researchers, engineers and scientists from all smart cities communities (academia, industry, municipalities, urban communities, standards organizations) to present their latest research findings, and novel ideas in specific areas of interests. Prospective organizers of a special session should send their proposals via email to yacine.ghamri@ieee.org The submitted proposals for Special Sessions should include the following: 1. Title for the proposed special session 2. One or two paragraphs description / justification of interest and impact for IEEE ISC2-2015 3. Targeted theme and a list of topics of the special session 4. List of organizers, affiliation and contact information 5. Short biography of organizer(s), their background and research interests 6. Tentative technical program committee Special session topics are encouraged to cover some emerging focused area related to the overall conference scope and which are not already extensively covered in the technical tracks. Example of such topics may include: - Intelligent infrastructure - Open data and big data - Safety and security issues - Smart healthcare and emergency management - Smart environment and policy development - Intelligent Transportation Systems - Internet of Things (IoT) - Smart grid - Smart buildings - Smart city implementation - Smart manufacturing and logistics - Environmental monitoring technologies Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of their relevance, timeliness, interest, and significance of the topic, as well as the potential quality of papers in the proposed session and their fit within the program as a whole. On approval of their proposal, the special session organizer(s) will be responsible for soliciting papers, suggesting reviewers for the Session, managing the review of the papers submitted to their proposed special sessions, posting recommendations for the approval or rejection of papers based on the collected reviews, communicating with the ISC2-2015 special sessions chair, and moderating the session. To ensure high quality of the contributions, all papers submitted to an approved Special Session will be reviewed using the same procedure and criteria as regular papers. All paper submissions are handled through EASYCHAIR, and follow the technical program submission and review schedule. Papers accepted for special sessions are included in the conference proceedings as part of the technical program and published in the conference proceedings including IEEE Xplore. At least one author for each accepted paper must register for the conference and present the paper during the Special Session. If the number of accepted papers in a Special Session is below the required paper number, the Special Session chairs will work with the organizers to move other closely-related accepted submissions from the general submission pool to the Special Session. If this is not possible, the Special Session will be cancelled and accepted papers will be transferred to the regular sessions. -------- IMPORTANT DATES Early submission is encouraged, as decisions will be made on a rolling basis. - Special Session Proposal submission deadline: April 27, 2015 - Submission of technical papers: DEADLINE EXTENDED TO: June 30, 2015 - Notification of Acceptance: DEADLINE EXTENDED TO: August 20, 2015 - Submission of Accepted Camera-Ready Papers: DEADLINE EXTENDED TO: September 10, 2015 |