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EEBS 2015 : Euro and the European Banking System: Evolutions and Challenges


When Jun 4, 2015 - Jun 6, 2015
Where Iasi, Romania
Submission Deadline Apr 20, 2015
Notification Due Apr 27, 2015
Final Version Due May 4, 2015
Categories    banking   finance   european integration   new eu member states

Call For Papers

Dear Madam/Sir,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee we are glad to invite you to submit your papers and participate at the International Conference “Euro and the European banking system: evolutions and challenges” organized by „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi (Romania) between 4th-6th of June 2015.

The objective of the conference is to bring into discussion a key issue of European integration process, namely the way banking integration and the adopting of the European single currency affect the economies of the new member states. In order to achieve this objective the conference aims at reuniting academic researchers and specialist, both from Romania and abroad (other European Union member countries and also from the neighbouring and candidate states), young and also experienced ones and to provide the necessary background for the development of a constructive debate on this theme. For enhancing the quality and value added of the event, members of the business environment and policy makers will also be invited to attend the conference.

Our conference enables contributors to present their papers in both panel sessions and plenary sessions. They will find good opportunities for sharing their research results, exchanging ideas and discussing current issues with fellow academics and practitioners (business representatives and policy makers).

During the conference a round table debate will be organized. Students from all the major Romanian universities and also from other European universities are encouraged to submit their essays on the theme of the conference. The essays accepted by the scientific committee will be presented during the round table.

The contributors are encouraged to approach one of the three main topics of the conference(but not limited to):
 Banks, Financial Markets and Monetary Policy
 European Public Policies for the Business Environment
 The Impact of European Integration on Corporate and Entrepreneurial Finance
 The European Economic Legislative Landscape – Challenges and Perspectives.

The language of the conference is English. All papers must be submitted in

Final version of accepted papers will be published in the conference volume (with ISBN). The conference proceedings will be submitted for indexing in the Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index. Selected papers presented at the conference will be considered for publication in peer-reviewed journals. Further details will be provided soon on the conference website.
All submissions are subject to a double blind review process. Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and contribution.

Instructions for authors:
Participants can send either an individual paper or two papers in collaboration. The papers will be written in English and their length should be between 6 and 12 pages. The paper format must strictly follow the guidelines. The template form of the final paper is available on the project website.

Conference fee:
There is no conference fee. All the expenses with conference materials, paper publication, coffee breaks and conference lunch will be supported from the funds provided by the “Euro and the Banking Integration Process in an Enlarged EU” project, Reference no. 2012-2911/001-001, within the Jean Monnet Life Long Learning
Programme - Key Activity 1.



Conference Venue:
„Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
22 Carol I Blvd., 700505 Iasi, Romania

We look forward to receiving your papers and seeing you in Iasi, between 4-6 June 2015, and kindly ask you to disseminate the call to other possible interested participants.

Kind regards,
Organizing Committee

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