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IWOPH 2016 : International Workshop on OpenPOWER for HPC


When Jun 23, 2016 - Jun 23, 2016
Where Frankfurt, Germany
Submission Deadline Apr 15, 2016
Notification Due May 15, 2016
Final Version Due May 27, 2016
Categories    openpower   high performance computing   heterogeneous computing

Call For Papers

This workshop will take place within the ISC High Performance conference
2016. It is intended to provide a venue for the broader HPC community to
Further understand OpenPOWER technologies and discuss how they can be
Harnessed for HPC applications needs. The latest advances in OpenPOWER
and how they might be used to address challenges regarding system
architecture, networking, memory designs, exploitation of accelerators,
programming models, and porting applications are of current interest
within the HPC community and this workshop. The workshop is currently
planned as a half-day workshop, but may be extended to a full-day

Full papers or work-in-progress reports are sought that are within the
Scope of the workshop and related to the OpenPOWER ecosystem. Topics
of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Porting applications experiences to OpenPOWER nodes to exploit
its HPC and data analytics capabilities

* Designs and use models for FPGA-accelerated applications

* Co-designing the HPC software stack (scientific libraries, compilers,

* Programming models for HPC and data analytics, including hybrid
heterogeneous programming (e.g. MPI with OpenCL, OpenACC, CUDA,
OpenMP4) models, DSLs, PGAS, and exascale runtimes

* Tools eco-system to improve productivity on OpenPOWER architectures
(compilers, performance analysis, auto-tuning, debugging, verification,
static analysis tools)

* System architectural choices including memory designs, networking

* Low level communication APIs, I/O frameworks

* Runtime environments and schedulers

* Benchmarking and validation studies on OpenPOWER architectures

All contributions are planned to be published in ISC¹16 Joint Workshop
Proceeding Volume. For full papers and work-in-progress reports a limit
of 18 and 6 pages apply, respectively. Paper submissions should be
formatted with the LNCS style (single column format) using
either the LaTeX document class or Word template. For details on the
author guidelines, please refer to Springer’s website.

Papers should be uploaded here:

Important dates
Paper deadline: 3 April 2016
Paper Notification: 15 May 2016
Camera Ready: 27 May 2016
Talk slides: 15 June 2016

Program Committee

* Mike Ashworth (STFC)
* Sunita Chandrasekaran (University of Delaware)
* Norbert Eicker (JSC)
* Oscar Hernandez (ORNL) (Co-Chair)
* Graham Lopez (ORNL) (Co-Chair)
* Duncan Poole (NVIDIA)
* Gilad Shainer (Mellanox)
* Pavel Shamis (ORNL)
* Tjerk Straatsma (ORNL)
* Bronis de Supinski (LLNL)
* Michael Wolfe (PGI)

(More members to be announced)

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