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When Sep 10, 2015 - Sep 11, 2015
Where Bucharest
Submission Deadline Jun 15, 2015
Notification Due Jun 30, 2015
Final Version Due Nov 15, 2015
Categories    translation   interpretation   terminology   intercultural studies

Call For Papers

In the context of linguistic diversity, which comprises more than six thousand languages, our world would be inconceivable without translation. Linguistic plurality along with the increase in economic, technological and cultural exchanges establish translation as a unique method of uniting this diversity, being the concrete outcome of the endeavour of mankind to overcome linguistic and cultural barriers. This should not lead to the erroneous understanding that translation is an a priori phenomenon of the modern society. From time immemorial the need to communicate beyond linguistic borders has caused translation to find its way into the most varied contexts: among merchants and scholars, politicians and spies.
Although it has been around from time out of mind, translation is, paradoxically enough, a young science which rather than clearly delineating its scope, is open to innovation, knowledge, experimentation and self-discovery, having an enormous creative potential. According to Paul Ricoeur, “translation cannot be reduced to a technique practised spontaneously by travellers, merchants, ambassadors, smugglers and traitors, and established as a discipline by translators and interpreters. It constitutes a paradigm for all exchanges, not only from language to language but from culture to culture”*.
The anniversary international conference of the Department of Foreign Languages and Communication of the Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest celebrates ten years since the creation of the specialization Translation and Interpretation. We invite you to participate with contributions on topics related to translation, interpretation and terminology from various theoretical and methodological perspectives. Our particular interest lies in investigating the place that these three disciplines occupy in universities today, as well as in the future of translation and interpretation practices, and of these professions in the context of today’s global village. And all this considering the great pressure of using English as lingua franca, which sometimes separates more than unites us.
*Our translation (« la traduction ne se réduit pas à une technique pratiquée spontanément par les voyageurs, les marchands, les ambassadeurs, les passeurs et les traîtres et érigée en discipline par les traducteurs et les interprètes. Elle constitue un paradigme pour tous les échanges, non seulement de langue à langue, mais de culture à culture. »), Ricoeur, Paul. (2004, 25 May). «Cultures, du deuil à la traduction ». Le Monde : 1, 19.

Please fill in the registration form available at and include an abstract in English (of maximum 300 words), five keywords in English as well as a short autobiographical note of about 100 words (for chairing purposes).
The deadline for the submission of the registration form and abstract is 15 June, 2015.
1. After receiving the confirmation from the organizers, participants should pay a registration fee of
• 45 EUR/200 RON
• 35 EUR/150 RON for DLSC members and students
and send the proof of payment (in pdf format or scanned copy) to the e-mail address For bank transfer please use the data below with the specification “Participation in the DLSC Conference”:
TIN: 22045348
Account: RO88 RZBR 0000 0600 1422 0658
Bank: RAIFFEISEN BANK sucursala Teiul Doamnei
SWIFT Code for international transfers: RZBRROBU

The registration fee includes tea/coffee/biscuit breaks during the conference, conference materials, attendance certificate and publication in conference volume (shipping not included). For lunch we invite you to the UTCB canteen where you can have a meal at a very reasonable price. The above mentioned amounts are per person and for one copy of the conference volume (additional copies will be available for sale). Co-authors attending the conference will register separately. Finally, we kindly ask you to cover all bank transfer costs.
The deadline for payment of the registration fee is 15 July, 2015
2. The papers in extenso (maximum 4000-6000 words), with five keywords in English should be sent no later than 15 November, 2015.
The Conference programme, the guidelines for contributors and camera ready papers will be published at a subsequent date on the conference web page.
The time allotted to each presentation in the conference is 10-15 minutes, followed by a 10-minute session of Q&A/discussions.
The papers, selected by peer-review, will be published in the conference proceedings.
Note: If you are not able to attend the conference in person you have the possibility to participate online via Skype, if you provide us with your username.

Related Resources

TOTh 2025   19th International Conference on Terminology and Ontology
CILIDI 2025   3th International Conference on Digital Linguistics
IJCETI 2025   International Journal of Chinese and English Translation & Interpreting
TermTrends 2025   TermTrends25: Bridging the Gap between Terminological Resources and Large Language Models
CMIT 2025   13th International Conference of Managing Information Technology
AT4SSL 2025   Third International Workshop on Automatic Translation for Sign and Spoken Languages
PSLT 2025   The 11th Workshop on Patent and Scientific Literature Translation
MNLP 2025   6th IEEE Conference on Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing