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VMI 2011 : Workshop on Visual Mobile Interfaces (VMI 2011)


When Sep 14, 2011 - Sep 16, 2011
Where Melbourne
Submission Deadline May 31, 2011
Notification Due Jun 30, 2011
Final Version Due Jul 31, 2011
Categories    mobile communication   multimedia   user interface   visual communication

Call For Papers

Call For Papers

First International Workshop on Visual Mobile Interfaces (VMI)
(Co-located with the Sixth International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM 2011)
La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia)
September 14-16, 2011
Email: conference at

The current visual technology looks at elegant and virutal interfaces to make the visual and mobile devices scalable, effective and interactive.
The technology has introduced high profile smartphones, palmtops and PDAs with a quick obsolete rate. There is a need to understand the complex systems and interconnections so that the future developments can be managed effectively. At the same researchers can work to find more ubiquitous and pervasive computer applications for the existing visual and mobile technology.

Realizing the potential of the topic, a one day workshop is organized during the Sixth International Conference on Digital Information Management. (ICDIM 2011).

We look for innovative methodologically incremental papers including design, architecture, methods and experimental ones for the proposed workshop.

We invite submissions on the topics listed below, but not limited to-

Adaptive web user interfaces
Animated Interfaces
High-volume transient data interfaces
Collaborative interfaces
Ontology based interaction
Information Visualization
Interactive Interfaces
Interface Evaluation
Geographical IS Interfaces
Visualization of linked and aggregated data
Mobile Interaction Design
Multimodal Interfaces
Perceptual Interfaces
Visual Analytics Interfaces
Visual Data Mining
Visual Interface Design
Web-Based Interaction


Submissions should follow the IEEE template and normally limited to 6 pages. However, two additional pages will be permitted. Submit your paper at (with a note that it is a workshop paper)

All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, published by IEEE Technology Management Council and indexed in Xplore. Besides, the authors of selected papers will also be invited to submit a revised version of their paper for in the following journals.

1. Journal of Digital Information Management (JDIM)
2. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
3. International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering

Important Dates

Submission of Papers- May 31, 2011
Notification of Acceptance - June 30, 2011
Camera Ready - July 31, 2011
Worshop Dates- September 14-16, 2011

Workshop Co-Chairs

Daisy Jacobs, University of Zululand, South Africa
Saravanan Muthaiayah, Multimedia University, Malaysia

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