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AWD 2015 : Advanced All Wheel Drive Systems, 22-23 of June 2015 in Lindner Congress Hotel, Frankfurt, Germany


When Jun 22, 2015 - Jun 23, 2015
Where Frankfurt, Germany
Submission Deadline Apr 30, 2015
Categories    automotive   powertrain   all wheel drive   allradantrieb

Call For Papers

The International Conference Advanced All Wheel Drive Systems, 22-23 of June 2015 in Frankfurt, Germany is the platform for automotive OEMs and Tier1s to meet and discuss the current challenges and the future trends for both mechanical and electric AWD systems.

As the market for new vehicles continues to improve and crossover and pickup sales have caught fire, it's no surprise that the sales of all-wheel-drive (and four-wheel-drive) vehicles are also on the rise. OEMs are aiming to satisfy the growing demand for vehicle stability, safety, and enhanced driving dynamics. These factors are fueling the adoption of AWD-systems, particularly among the C and D vehicle segments. However, the major shift to AWD based on FWD passenger car platforms rather than body-on-frame 4WD light trucks is leading to a big transition to AWD in the B- and C-segments.

The combination of hybridization and driveline electrification is promising affordability and better price efficiencies for both technologies and offering a fast and reliable solution to reach CO2 emission targets by 2020. Many suppliers have developed already concepts to suit the needs of several vehicle segments. However, many obstacles are yet to be removed. The conference will bring together AWD experts from the powertrain and chassis department to maximize the benefits and the knowledge transfer.

It is with great pleasure that i wish to invite you to submit original work in one or more of the following formats: 40-minutes presentation, workshops, panel discussion and work in progress.

Please note as that as a speaker visiting the conference and workshops will be free of any charge. Moreover, depending of the degree of participation, we gladly offer support in compensating arising costs for travel and overnight accommodation.

Your expertise would contribute greatly to the value of the conference. It would be my pleasure to welcome you as a speaker on this year’s conference.

Please do not hesitate to contact me anytime if you have any queries regarding the conference and if there is anything I can do to facilitate your involvement.

I am looking forward to receiving your feedback.

Kind regards,

Saleem Serri Najari
Project Manager Automotive
IQPC GmbH Friedrichstraße 94 D-10117 Berlin
Telefon: ++49 (0) 30 20 913 336

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