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COSIT 2015 : 12th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory


Conference Series : Conference On Spatial Information Theory
When Oct 13, 2015 - Oct 15, 2015
Where Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.
Submission Deadline Apr 6, 2015
Notification Due May 25, 2015
Final Version Due Jun 15, 2015
Categories    spatial   databases   information management   theory

Call For Papers

At the conference, results from recent research will be presented and discussions about advanced work in progress will take place. The conference program will be selected by an international, interdisciplinary program committee. Papers will be selected through a rigorous review of full paper contributions and the proceedings will be printed by Springer-Verlag before the conference. Panels will discuss the relevance of research questions and compare possible approaches. Topical Meetings ("birds of a feather sessions") can be organized and proposals from convenors are welcome at any time before or during the conference. Follow the appropriate link above to learn about submission guidelines.
Following in the tradition of past COSIT conferences, the COSIT 2015 organizing committee will devote the first day of the conference, October 12 to a number of workshops and tutorials, and we are now inviting proposals for these sessions. The goal of workshops is to provide the opportunity for discussion, in a less formal setting than the main conference, of specialized research questions or challenges in spatial information theory. For the tutorials, we aim to recruit experts in the field who can deliver stimulating and authoritative graduate-level instruction in a range of important topical themes. Workshops and tutorials can be 1/2 to full day. Follow the appropriate line above to learn about submission guidelines.
A Doctoral Colloquium will follow the conference on Friday, October 16th. It is intended as a forum where Ph.D. students can meet and discuss with others at a similar stage in their careers. The consortium will be facilitated by a small panel of experienced researchers.

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