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TAROS 2010 : 11th Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS’2010)


Conference Series : Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems
When Aug 31, 2010 - Sep 2, 2010
Where Plymouth, Devon, United Kingdom
Submission Deadline May 31, 2010
Categories    robotic   autonomous systems   automation

Call For Papers

Call for papers (extended deadline: 31 May 2010):
11th Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS’2010)

Tuesday 31 August 2010 - Thursday 2 September 2010
Plymouth, Devon, United Kingdom

TAROS is a platform for robotics researchers with a wide range of interests from the UK, Europe and worldwide.
TAROS-10 welcomes submissions from senior researchers and research students alike, and will specifically provide opportunities for research students and young research scientists to present their work to the scientific community. An extra half day has been added to this year’s edition, to host an industrial symposium on developments in service robotics.

Plenary presentations will be given by Giorgio Metta (IIT, Genoa) and Geoff Pegman (R.U. Robots, Manchester).
Plymouth is a friendly sea-side town located in the South-West of England. Its University hosts a dynamic and highly rated research community in Robotics and Neural systems.

Submissions of papers are invited in any of the following topics, and in related areas:

* Advanced applications of autonomous robots (industrial and research)
* Advanced materials
* Advanced medical robotics, robots for surgery
* Analysis of robot-environment interaction
* Applications development
* Assistive Robotics
* Autonomous assembly robotics
* Biologically inspired robotics
* Cognitive robotics
* Collective robots
* Developmental robotics
* Hardware issues, devices and techniques, advanced sensor and actuator hardware
* Human-Robot Interaction and Interfaces
* Learning and adaptation
* Lon-term Interaction and Operation
* Modeling and analysis of robot models
* Navigation, localization, map building and path planning
* Personal robotics
* Robot autonomy
* Robot vision, sensing and perception
* Robot control architectures
* Robots in education, the arts and entertainment
* Service robotics
* Space and planetary robotics

Deadline for submission: 31 May 2010.
Submission instructions will be given on

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