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LxConventos 2015 : From Sacred City to Secular Town - Urban Dynamics and New Memories


When Nov 4, 2015 - Nov 6, 2015
Where Lisbon, Portugal
Submission Deadline Jun 15, 2015
Notification Due Jul 15, 2015
Final Version Due Dec 20, 2015
Categories    architectural heritage   urban developing   religious houses

Call For Papers

The extinction and secularization of religious houses resulting from the liberal revolutions
of the late 18th and early 19th centuries in Europe and Latin America caused deep
changes in the use of monastic buildings and in the surrounding urban landscape. The
impact of the secularization of the religious houses on the urban development of the liberal
Lisbon has been studied in the research project LxConventos. Coinciding with the end of
the project, an international conference will be held in Lisbon with the aim giving the topic
a broad international perspective.
How did former convents contribute to the transformation processes of the territory, the
landscape and the nascence of the modern city? The conference not only intends to
compare the diversity of scenarios of urban metamorphosis and adaptive use of former
religious houses, but proposes a platform for sharing information and methodological
issues in a multidisciplinary perspective (architectural history, urban history, archaeology,
heritage conservation, urban planning).

Papers’ proposals should fit in one of the following themes:

· Relationships between the urbanization of the monastic proprieties and urban
planning processes.
· Functional reconversion of convent buildings after their secularization.
· Memories, traces and heritagization of secularized religious houses.
· Monastic heritage in the contemporary city. Present and future.

Papers’ proposals and presentations must be in Portuguese, Spanish or English. They will
include: 1° title, 2° abstract (max. 500 words), 3° CV (max. 400 words), to be sent to:

15 June 2015: submission of paper proposals.
15 July 2015: notification of paper acceptance.
4-6 November 2015: conference.
20 December 2015: full text submission.

A selection of the papers will be published as articles in Revista de História da Arte – série W (

Raquel Henriques da Silva - Instituto de História da Arte / Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas / Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Catarina Almeida Marado - Centro de Estudos Sociais / Universidade de Coimbra; Departamento de Artes e Humanidades / Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais / Universidade do Algarve
José Aguiar - Faculdade de Arquitectura / Universidade de Lisboa
Luís Espinha da Silveira - Departamento de História / Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas / Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Maria Teresa Perez Cano - Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenácion del Territorio / Universidad de Sevilla
Thomas Coomans - Department of Architecture / Faculty of Engineering / University of Leuven

LxConventos Project –

The Conference “From sacred city to secular town: urban dynamics and new memories” is
an initiative of the research project “Lxconventos - From sacred city to secular town: the
extinction of religious orders and the dynamics of urban transformation in the 19th century

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