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GA 2015 : XVIII Generative Art International Conference


When Dec 9, 2015 - Dec 11, 2015
Where Venice, Italy
Abstract Registration Due Oct 30, 2015
Submission Deadline Sep 30, 2015
Notification Due Oct 15, 2015
Final Version Due Nov 15, 2015
Categories    generative art   generative design   generative music   artificial life

Call For Papers

C A L L - F O R - P A P E R / P O S T E R / A R T W O R K S / P E R F O R M A N C E
GA2015 , the 18th Generative Art Conference, Exibition, Live Performances
Location: Venice, Italy, the 9, 10, 11 December 2015

Art&Science - Image&Space - Music&Poetry - Visionary Scenarios - Infinity&Identity
Art - Music - Architecture - Industrial Design - Web Art - Poetry - Visual Grammar - Design Approach - Teaching Theory - Mathematics - Virtual Environment - Literature - Artificial Life - Artificial Intelligence - Cellular Automata - Performances - Artificial Behaviors - Communication - Generative Robots - Mechatronic - Nanotechnology - NanoArt
Type of contribution:
Papers and Posters to be presented the 9, 10 and 11 December 2015 in only one main session at Palazzetto Toti, Foundation Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice, Italy
Artworks, Installations and Posters to be exhibited in the days of the conference
Live Performances, to be performed the evenings of 8 and 9 December

Dear Friends of Generative Art,
We are at the 18th Generative Art conferences and I like to thank all the participants of the last editions, participants from many different countries of all continents, because they has succeeded in supporting GA as the worldwide reference conference in the sector of the generative approach. This with their interesting contributions that were not only academic papers but works in progress able to define the real state of art of the Generative Thinking.
Not only, the discussions, the exchanges of experience and the working together for reaching advanced possibilities was the unique feeling of these meetings.

As the other years the conference will run in three days with only a plenary session. The reason is that this unique session gives to all participants the possibility of best knowing one each other and to discuss all together.
This year we will meet in Venice, hosted by the Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation at the Palazzetto Tito, in the ancient centre of Venice, Sestriere Dorsoduro 2826. The conference will run the 9th, 10th and 11th of December 2015.

We will wait for Your proposals (papers, posters, artworks/installations, live performances) until 15th of September 2015 and we are sure that with your contributions GA2015 will be, once more, a moment of great exchange of experiences and an occasion of meeting people working with the same approach in a wide range of different disciplines.

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