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PUTHSDI 2015 : First International Workshop on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Techniques for Healthcare Service Delivery Improvement


When Sep 8, 2015 - Sep 8, 2015
Where Held at UbiComp 2015 in Osaka, Japan
Submission Deadline Jun 19, 2015
Notification Due Jul 2, 2015
Final Version Due Jul 16, 2015
Categories    healthcare   pervasive computing   ubiquitous computing

Call For Papers

Download the call as PDF from:

There is an urgent need for, and evidence of, the application of domain-specific pervasive and ubiquitous techniques to support social and collaborative innovations to improve healthcare service delivery. By techniques here we mean not only the introduction of technologies (e.g. sensors), but also the computational algorithms to derive meaning from the data, the data management practices, and the organisational practice changes affected by methods aimed to make the delivery of healthcare more efficient and personalised through improved monitoring and computational organising of resources and staff.

The PUTHSDI workshop is the premier interdisciplinary forum for leading international healthcare delivery researchers, managers, clinicians, operations specialists, practitioners, industrial designers, and developers to present and discuss key issues and methods to do with the incorporation of ubiquitous and pervasive computing for healthcare service improvement. This includes the design, development, deployment, and impacts of ubiquitous and pervasive computing technologies to better understand how healthcare providers manage their time, task load, communication, and other factors in order to improve service delivery.


The workshop seeks two types of submissions: (1) short papers describing research and/or practice outcomes in relation to the use of pervasive/ubiquitous techniques for healthcare service improvement and (2) position papers describing new research/practice challenges and worthy topics to discuss in all areas of the application of pervasive/ubiquitous techniques for healthcare service improvement. Submissions may relate to nursing, clinical, mental health or other healthcare practice, and may crossover technology (hardware and/or software) considerations, human factors, or organisation factors.

Topics may include (but are not limited to):

- Consequences upon how tasks are assigned and performed, and/or public perception given ubiquitous access to information from hand held devices deployed in hospital wards
- Understanding impacts on hospital systems from changes to the navigational aids, owing to ubiquitous indoor positioning
- Changes to the usage of resources in hospitals owing to the electronic tagging of equipment, personnel, and patients
- Potential security attacks to healthcare provision owing to the introduction of pervasive computing systems such as wearable or handheld devices
- Access control for sharing data captured by ubiquitous sensors in hospitals and other healthcare contexts
- Understanding ethical and privacy concerns and expectations from staff and patients
- Staff testing of pervasive/ubiquitous technologies

We invite the submission of one contribution from any of these categories:
- A short paper (3-6 page inc. refs) that may cover research/practice results, or experience reports.
- Abstract summary (200-400 words) about work in progress, and/or novel tools, technologies, or methods that you use and would be appropriate for discussion during the workshop.
- A position statement (300 words – 2 pages) about a key pervasive/ubiquitous healthcare service delivery challenge or policy need that can be discussed during the workshop. These should present arguable opinions about an issue, and may include new ideas or discussions of topics at various stages of completion (including speculative).

All submissions should describe the purpose/goals of the work, cite related work if applicable, and clearly state whether the topic is refers to innovations, lessons learned, or both. In addition to your main submission, please also include a biographical statement that can be shared with the rest of the attendees if you are selected to attend.

Workshop submissions will be reviewed by the program committee for acceptance/participation. Accepted works and biographical statements will be made available to all workshop participants prior to the workshop in order to maximise the value of the workshop by fostering an exchange of critiques of one another’s activities beforehand. Furthermore, authors of accepted submissions will be invited to present their ideas/work at the workshop.

Submissions should be emailed to as a .pdf. Submissions greater than one page should use SIGCHI non-archival format (Word or LaTeX).

Deadline for submission: Thursday 4th June 2015 8:30am BST (See timeline for details).

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