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CLEI 2015 : Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática | |||||||||||||||||
Link: http://www.clei.org/clei2015/ | |||||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||||
CFP - extended deadline 25 May 2015
XLI Latin American Computing Conference (CLEI 2015) Arequipa, Perú 19 - 23 October 2015 http://clei.org/clei2015 PURPOSE CLEI XLI is the main Latin American forum for exchanging ideas, experiences and research results between scientists, professionals and students in informatics and computer science and engineering, as well as its technological applications. CONFERENCE TOPICS CLEI XLI calls for papers reporting results of a theoretical nature and/or practice that advance the state of the art or present relevant applications or cases in the areas of interest of the symposia or associated events. The conference is composed of nine (9) symposia and includes several activities such as presentations, tutorials, keynotes and discussion forums. IMPORTANT DATES Final deadlines for symposium paper submissions: paper registration: May 25, 2015, 23:55 GMT-12 paper upload: May 30, 2015, 23:55 GMT-12 Notification of acceptance: July 12, 2015 Final version submission: August 16, 2015 INFORMATION FOR PAPER SUBMISSION Papers can be written in Spanish, Portuguese or English, and should be registered prior to May 25, 2015 through the CLEI 2015 website (http://clei.org/clei2015) using the JEMS platform. The paper must be uploaded in PDF format in the same platform, before the paper upload deadline. • Submitted papers must present original research results or relevant experience reports, and should not be published or under evaluation for other conferences and/or journals. An article can be sent to only one symposium or associated event. Submitting the same article to several symposia or associated events will be basis for rejection. • Submissions should not exceed 12 pages, including figures, references and an abstract of 150 words in the official language accepted by CLEI 2014 (Spanish, Portuguese and English). If the submissions are written in Spanish or Portuguese, they should have an abstract in English. Submitted papers must be formatted according to IEEE standard referenced in the CLEI 2015 website. • Submitted papers must be substantial intellectual contributions of the authors and follow practices to avoid plagiarism as set out in CLEI Authors Behavior Code (Código de Conducta de Autores de CLEI, www.clei.org/index.php/reglamento/codigo-de-conducta-para-autores-clei). • The final program and the proceedings will only include papers with at least one author registered in the AUTHOR category of the conference before final version submission deadline. • A selection of the best papers accepted and presented at the symposia of CLEI 2015 will be proposed for publication in selected journals such as CLEI Electronic Journal and Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. Invited authors must submit an improved and expanded version of the article in English that will undergo a new evaluation process. • Only papers accepted and presented at the symposia of CLEI 2015 will be indexed and published by IEEE Xplorer digital library (pending). INFORMATION FOR TUTORIALS’ PROPOSALS Submissions for tutorials are welcome (half a day or full day) which present research results, the state of the art of a particular topic, or to introduce a topic of industrial or academic interest. The tutorial proposal should be sent in PDF format, through the JEMS platform, including the following information: * Title of the Tutorial * Content * Duration * Target Audience * Brief CVs of the presenters * Language of instruction (English, Portuguese or Spanish) SIMPOSIOS CLEI * Latin American Symposium on Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, and Image Processing Chairs: Dr. Juan Carlos Gutierrez [jcgutierrezc@gmail.com] Dr. Luis Gustavo Nonato [gnonato@icmc.usp.br] Topics: * Animation and Simulation * Coding, compression and transmisión of images/videos * Computational Vision * Games * Geometric and Solid Modeling * Computer Graphics Hardware * Realism and Image Synthesis * Information Visualization * Motion Capture/Editing/Synthesis * Images and Videos Processing * Search and Retrieval of Images and Videos * Segmentation and Grouping of Images and Videos * 3D Interfaces * Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality * Latin American Symposium on Computing and Society Chairs: Dr. Alvaro Fernández, Perú [afernandez.dc@gmail.com] Dra. Libertad Tansini, Uruguay [libertad@fing.edu.uy] Topics * ICT Access and Use * Legal, Ethical and Social issues related to ICT * Applications of computing to other fields: e-Science, e-Health, e-Justice, e-Tourism, e-Education, etc. Papers submitted on e-Education should be related to general applications to education (collaborative learning, virtual learning, etc.), and not to computer science courses (these should be submitted to CIESC) * e-Government and e-Democracy * Knowledge Economy, e-Business (e-Commerce, Social Commerce, e-Logistics, etc.) * Applications related to New Enabling Technologies (Internet, Web 2.0, Mobile Applications, etc.). * Free Software (policies for use, business models, etc.) * Computing impact and Transformations on Society * Latin American Symposium on Infrastructure, Hardware and Software Chairs: Dr. Yván Jesús Túpac Valdivia, Perú [ytupac@ucsp.pe] Dr. Francisco Tirado, España [ptirado@dacya.ucm.es] Topics * Networks and Data Communication. * Computer Architecture, Embedded Systems * Microelectronics, Integrated Circuits, Processors, etc. * High Performance Computing, Mobile Computing * Operating Systems * Performance Evaluation * Computer and Network Security * Signal Processing * Networking wireless PAN, LAN, MAN and WAN * Mobile Networks (3G, 4G, LTE, WiMaX) * Sensor Networks, Converged Networks and Next Generation Networks * Network Management, Optimization and Quality of Service * Multimedia: VoIP, IPTV, DVB, VOD, CDN, etc. * Grid Computing, Cloud Computing * Robotics * Latin American Symposium on Software Engineering Chairs: Dr. Adenilso da Silva Simao, Brasil [adenilso@icmc.usp.br] Dra. Nelly Condori-Fernandez, Holanda [n.condori-fernandez@vu.nl] Topics * Safety, Security, Privacy, and Risk Management - Metrics and Measurement * Architecture, Frameworks, and Design Patterns * Requirements Engineering * Process, Standards, and Project Management * Maintenance and Reverse Engineering * Quality Assurance and Management * Verification, Validation, Testing, and Analysis * Component-Based Development and Reuse * Empirical Studies, Benchmarking, and Industrial Best Practices * Applications and Tools * Collaborative, Distributed, Embedded, Real-Time, High Performance, Highly Dependable, Intelligent, Multimedia Systems * Human-Computer Interaction * Model-driven development * Agile Software Development y Global Software Development * Latin American Symposium on Operation Research and Artificial Intelligence Chairs: Dr. Dennis Barrios Aranibar, Perú [dbarrios@ucsp.edu.pe] Dr. Diego Pinto, Paraguay [dpinto@pol.una.py] Topics: * Linear and Nonlinear Programming * Optimization * Game Theory, Theory of Queues * Stochastic Processes. * Intelligent Agents * Artificial Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Evolutionary Computation * Artificial Life * Natural Language Processing * Expert and Knowledge-Based Systems * Knowledge Representation * Artificial Vision, Pattern Recognition * Machine Learning, Automatic Reasoning * Intelligent Environments * Bio-inspired Computing * Latin American Symposium on Large Scale Information Systems Chairs: Dr. Guillermo Calderon, Perú [gcalderonr@gmail.com] Dr. Hernán Astudillo, Chile [hernan@inf.utfsm.cl] Topics * Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA) and Enterprise Service Architectures (ESA) * Middleware for Enterprise Computing (Web Services, Enterprise Service Bus, Message-oriented) * Complex event processing and event-driven architectures * Enterprise Architecture and Enterprise Application Architecture * Enterprise Applications Deployment and Governance * Model-driven architectures, software development and business processes and services * Methods for Enterprise Engineering * Process-oriented software architectures and Service-oriented architectures for BPM * Process-aware information systems (PAIS), Human-centric PAIS, Social BPM * Business process modeling, verification, configuration and implementation * Business process execution, process mining, business process intelligence * Distributed and cross-organizational business processes * Cross-enterprise Internet-based collaboration in a world of cloud, social and big data * Enterprise integration, business integration and systems integration * Enterprise Applications and Platforms * Latin American Symposium on Data Management Systems Chairs: Dr. Jorge Pérez Rojas, Chile [jorge.perez.rojas@gmail.com] Dr. Renzo Angles, Chile [renzoangles@gmail.com] Topics * Data and Text Mining * Semantic Web, Cloud Data Services, “Web of data”. * Knowledge Databases, Non-Relational Databases. * Interaction of Structured, Semi-Structured, and Unstructured Data. * Different Extensions to Databases (Spatial, Temporal, Spatio-Temporal, Mobile, Real-Time, etc.) * Data Visualization, Data Warehouses and OLAP. * Management of Uncertain Information (Probabilistic Databases, Ranking, Preferences, etc.). * Data Privacy and Security. * Personalization and Contextualization of Query and Search Tasks, Query Processing and Optimization. * Parallelism in Data Management. * Models, Storage and Management of Large Data Sets * Latin American Symposium on Theory of Computation Chairs: Dr. Cristian López Del Álamo, Perú [clopez@ulasalle.edu.pe] Dr. David Fernandez-Baca, Iowa State University, USA. Topics: * Algorithms * Computability and Complexity * Automata Theory and Formal Languages * Principles and Semantics of Programming Languages * Theory and Models of Concurrency, Security and Mobility * Logic and its Application in Computation * Formal Models on Requirements, Components and Software Architectures * Formal Techniques and Foundations for Software Analysis * Type Theory and Category Theory in Computation * XXII Iberoamerican Symposium on Higher Education in Computing (SIESC) Chairs: Dr. Tony Clear, Nueva Zelanda [tony.clear@aut.ac.nz] Dra. Mirella Moro, Brasil [mmmoro@gmail.com] Topics: * Interdisciplinary factors in computing education * Computing education in the first years of an Informatics degree * Pedagogy of Informatics: theoretical and practical aspects. * Academy-industry association models. PROGRAM COMMITTEE Chairs: Dr. Alex Cuadros, Perú [alex@ucsp.pe] Dr. Héctor Cancela, Uruguay [cancela@fing.edu.uy] ORGANIZING COMMITTEE President: Ernesto Cuadros Vargas, Perú. [ecuadros@spc.org.pe] VENUE CLEI 2015 will be held in Arequipa, Perú, on October 19-23 2014. CLEI is jointly organized by Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Universidad Nacional de San Agustín, Universidad Católica Santa María, Universidad Católica San Pablo,Universidad La Salle, Sociedad Peruana de Computación, Asociación Peruana de Productores de Software (APESOFT) , Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, Universidad Nacional del Altiplano. |