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SLPAT 2015 : 6th Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies


When Sep 11, 2015 - Sep 11, 2015
Where Dresden, Germany
Submission Deadline Jun 15, 2015
Notification Due Jul 15, 2015
Final Version Due Aug 1, 2015
Categories    NLP   speech processing   assistive technology   AAC

Call For Papers

Second CFP: SLPAT 2015

Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies (SLPAT)
11th September 2015, co-located with Interspeech 2015, Dresden, Germany

Submission deadline: 15th June 2015


We are pleased to announce the second call for papers for the sixth Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies (SLPAT) on Friday 11 September 2015 to be co-located with Interspeech 2015, Dresden, Germany. Full details on the workshop, topics of interest, timeline, and formatting of regular papers is here:

This workshop will bring together researchers from all areas of speech and language technology with a common interest in making everyday life more accessible for people with physical, cognitive, sensory, emotional, or developmental disabilities. The workshop will provide an opportunity for individuals from both research communities, and the individuals with whom they are working, to assist to share research findings, and to discuss present and future challenges and the potential for collaboration and progress. General topics include but are not limited to:

- Speech synthesis and speech recognition for physical or cognitive impairments
- Speech transformation for improved intelligibility
- Speech and language technologies for daily assisted living and Ambient Assisted Living (AAL)
- Translation systems; to and from speech, text, symbols and sign language
- Novel modeling and machine learning approaches for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) / Assistive Technologies (AT) applications
- Text processing for improved comprehension, e.g., sentence simplification or TTS
- Silent speech: speech technology based on sensors without audio
- Symbol languages, sign languages, nonverbal communication
- Dialogue systems and natural language generation for assistive technologies
- Multimodal user interfaces and dialogue systems adapted to assistive technologies
- NLP for cognitive assistance applications
- Presentation of graphical information for people with visual impairments
- Speech and NLP applied to typing interface applications
- Brain-computer interfaces for language processing applications
- Speech, natural language and multimodal interfaces to assistive technologies
- Assessment of speech and language processing within the context of AT
- Web accessibility; text simplification, summarization, and adapted presentation modes such as speech, signs or symbols
- Deployment of speech and NLP tools in the clinic or in the field
- Linguistic resources; corpora and annotation schemes
- Evaluation of systems and components, including methodology
- Other topics in AAC and AT


Papers should describe original work which are either completed work or advanced ongoing research which should not have been published elsewhere. The workshop will accept two categories of submission:

- Full papers should contain up to 6 pages of content, with 1–2 extra pages for references.
- Demo papers should be up to 4 pages, including references.

The submission should be performed through the easychair website only:

All submissions should follow the INTERSPEECH 2015 formatting requirements in all but page length:

Note that we are more liberal with regards to the number of pages, but this does not mean that your SLPAT submission has to be longer than a regular INTERSPEECH paper.


By contrast with INTERSPEECH, this is a double-blind review process, hence identifying information must be omitted from submitted papers.


- 15 June: Paper due
- 15 July: Notification of acceptance
- 1 August: Camera-ready papers due
- 11 September: SLPAT workshop

Please contact the conference organizers at with any questions.

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