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FOSAD 2021 : 20th FOSAD: International School on Foundations of Security Analysis and Design


Conference Series : Foundations of Security Analysis and Design
When Aug 30, 2021 - Sep 3, 2021
Where Bertinoro, Italy
Submission Deadline Jul 24, 2021
Notification Due Jul 26, 2021
Categories    computer science   security   security analysis

Call For Papers

*** Important notice ***

We plan to organize a physical event.
In order to favor people subject to travel restrictions
we will organize a live streaming of the lectures for
remote participants.


Gilles Barthe (IMDEA):
Formal methods and computer-aided cryptography

Leonardo Banchi (Firenze Univ.):
Advances in quantum cryptography

Lujo Bauer (Carnegie Mellon Univ.):
Adversarial machine learning

Rocco De Nicola (IMT Lucca) and Marinella Petrocchi (CNR-IIT Pisa):

Stefan Dziembowski (Warsaw Univ.)
Going off the blockchain

Bart Preneel (KU Leuven):
Cryptography and network security

Peter Ryan (Luxembourg Univ.):
Verifiable voting systems

Pierangela Samarati (Milano Univ.):
Data security and privacy in emerging scenarios


A special session is organized for participants
who intend to take advantage of the audience for
presenting their current research/tool in the area.


Martin Abadi Javier Lopez
Alessandro Aldini Fabio Martinelli (Chair)
Gilles Barthe Catherine Meadows
Eerke Boiten Bart Preneel
Herve Debar


The school is organized at the University Residential
Center of Bertinoro (CEUB), Italy:
The host venue provides a unique architectonical and
environmental setting joining the stunning views of
the hilltop of Bertinoro with the historical location
of the ancient fortress and the facilities of the
Center, which offers accommodation, meeting rooms,
and modern conference and computing services.


Prospective participants should apply through the FOSAD web page by:
July 24, 2021.
Notifications of acceptance and instructions for registration:
July 26, 2021.


The full fee is 800 Euros and covers registration and accommodation
starting from 29 August 2021 in double room, half board (breakfast
and lunch).

The fee for remote participants is 450 Euros.


FOSAD is organized in cooperation with:

SPARTA - Cybersecurity Competence Network

CyberSec4Europe - Cyber Security for Europe

IFIP WG 11.14 Secure Engineering (NESSoS)

Related Resources

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