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Feminism and the Body in Performance 2015 : Feminism and the Body in Performance: Current Practices


When Jun 13, 2015 - Jun 13, 2015
Where Dublin
Submission Deadline Jun 1, 2015
Notification Due Jun 4, 2015
Final Version Due Jun 13, 2015
Categories    arts   humanities   gender   feminism

Call For Papers

Call for Papers and Performances: Current Feminist Practice
DEADLINE: Paper Proposals: 1st of June

Feminism and the Body in Performance: Current Practices
2 Day Symposium
Performances: Sunday 7th of June
Presentation of Papers: Saturday 13th of June
MART Gallery and Studios
Rathmines, Dublin

Keynote speaker: Dr.Tina Kinsella

The symposium, Feminism and the Body in Performance: Current Practices aims to bring together theorists and practitioners concerned with issues of the language, politics and practices around women lives and bodies. The event, comprised of papers and performances will provide a forum to frame current issues of concern for feminist practices, arising from performance art practice. It will address questions such as: what issues are the urgent issues facing women in Ireland and internationally today? What forms of disruption, agitation and resistance can be deployed to raise awareness and elicit change?

Through critical debate and dialogue, it will present such issues in the context of international practices and debates and consider how they might be articulated, resisted and contested through live art and performance in Ireland today.

Call for Papers:

We welcome proposals for papers that address current feminist concerns, as well as those that directly address the work of performance practitioners. This might include, but is not limited to, the following topics, relating to Irish or International contexts:

• Essentialism, performativity, embodiment: debates around the production of femininities and the body
• Gender norms, stereotypes and identities; strategies of dissent and subversion
• Dangerous femininities: decorum, censorship, transgression and the obscene body
• Feminist concerns arising from technology, data, social media and popular cultures
• Performing private / public bodies
• The in/visibility of women’s experiences; performance as a strategy of making visible, consciousness raising
• Women’s contemporary roles: what/has anything changed? What are the issues and challenges facing women in everyday life today?
• Women’s traditional reproductive role: the maternal, child-care, employment and the division of labour; the persistent feminization of the domestic, emotional and social
• Law, the judicial system and the female body: abortion, rape, reproduction, sexuality and other inequalities
• Patriarchy, religion, power and institutional structures: feminist strategies of critique
• Persistent ideological and organisational sex and gender-based inequalities, exclusions, and discriminations
• Feminist communities and organisation; the forms and relevance of activism today

We particularly welcome discussion of the work of emerging performance artists in Ireland today, and/or expressions of interest from writers and academics to engage with the work of performance practitioners in the symposium at a later date.

Guidelines for Submission of Papers:

Abstracts of 300 words proposals for a 20 minute paper

Include the following as you would like it to appear in the programme:

• Author(s) names
• Title of Paper
• Institutional affiliation (if any)

E-mails submissions to
Email Title: Feminism and the Body in Performance Submission
Deadline for Abstracts: 1st of June
Presentation of Papers: 13th of June

Organising Chair: Dr. Katherine Nolan
Education and Performance Curator
MART Visual Arts Organisation, Dublin

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