When |
Jun 2, 2012 - Jun 3, 2012
Where |
Zurich, Switzerland |
Abstract Registration Due |
Feb 6, 2012
Submission Deadline |
Feb 10, 2012
Notification Due |
Mar 16, 2012
Final Version Due |
Mar 29, 2012
Software repositories such as source control systems, archived communications between project personnel, and defect tracking systems are used to help manage the progress of software projects. Software practitioners and researchers are recognizing the benefits of mining this information to support the maintenance of software systems, improve software design/reuse, and empirically validate novel ideas and techniques. Research is now proceeding to uncover the ways in which mining these repositories can help to understand software development and software evolution, to support predictions about software development, and to exploit this knowledge concretely in planning future development.
The goal of this two-day working conference is to advance the science and practice of software engineering via the analysis of data stored in software repositories.
We solicit short papers (4 pages) and research papers (10 pages). Short papers should discuss controversial issues in the field, or describe interesting or thought provoking ideas that are not yet fully developed. Accepted short papers will present their ideas in a short lightning talk. Full research papers are expected to describe new research results, and have a higher degree of technical rigor than short papers. Accepted full papers will present their ideas in a research talk at the conference. A selection of the best research papers will be invited for consideration in a special issue of the Springer journal Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE) edited by Springer.
More on http://2012.msrconf.org/