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IST 2013 : Special Issue on the Human Factors in Software Development


When N/A
Where N/A
Abstract Registration Due Mar 1, 2013
Submission Deadline Mar 31, 2013
Notification Due Jun 30, 2013
Final Version Due Jul 31, 2013
Categories    software development

Call For Papers

Human Factors in Software Development
Special Issue of the Information and Software Technology journal (

Software development is primarily a human and collaborative endeavour, as software is typically developed by individuals or groups working together in an organization. For such collaborative work to succeed, a large variety of human factors need to be considered and many issues need to be addressed. Issues such as lack of effective coordination among the developers and factors such as developer motivation and organizational structure (for example, the social network structure and its fit with the development methodology), play a crucial role in the success of software development projects. Furthermore, the impact of these issues varies depending on the kind of software development methodology or environment. For example, customer collaboration and communication is important in an Agile development context, while developer coordination and communication is critical in a globally distributed software development environment. We are particularly interested in case studies dealing with human factors related to software development in different environments, settings, and cases.
We solicit theoretical, tool-based and empirical research papers on the following topics:

* Communication, collaboration, and awareness tools for software development
* Coordination issues in software development
* Visualization systems to support social aspects of software development
* Project management tools and environments for distributed teams
* Communities of interest, communities of practice, knowledge sharing and organizational learning
* Interaction in large scale online communities supporting collaboration in local and distributed communities
* Mining software repositories to analyse the patterns in which communities work
* Human and Organizational Issues particular to Agile software development
* Human issues particular to Global software development
* Human issues specific to Open source development
* Human issues related to Outsourcing systems delivery
* Human issues related to Socio-technical systems

The papers will be evaluated on the fit to the special issue theme, innovativeness of the proposed ideas and for technical soundness.
We solicit original and previously unpublished papers with the following deadlines:

Abstracts (Intention to submit): March 1st 2013 (email)
Deadline for paper submission: March 31st 2013 (IST website)
Notification to Authors(1st Round): June 30th 2013
Deadline for the revised paper: July 31st 2013
Notification of Acceptance: September 30th 2013
Final Paper deadline: November 30th 2013
Publication of Special Issue: Early 2014

The abstracts have to be emailed directly to: The papers must be formatted using the journal's formatting instructions :
The paper submissions must to made directly on the journal's website: do remember to select the submission type: "SI: Human Factors Software Development".
Each paper will be reviewed by at least two reviewers and the final decision will be made based on a maximum of one revision.

Special Issue Editors
Chintan Amrit, (primary contact)
IEBIS Department, University of Twente

Maya Daneva
Department of Computer Science, University of Twente

Daniela Damian,
Department of Computer Science, University of Victoria

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