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SS-ICPC 2013 : Student Symposium @ IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension


When May 20, 2013 - May 21, 2013
Where San Francisco, USA
Submission Deadline May 3, 2013
Categories    program comprehension

Call For Papers

Student Symposium

ICPC 2013 invites all students to a Student Symposium in a new format. The symposium is open to all students conducting research related to program comprehension. The main goal is to provide students with an opportunity to interact with other student researchers in the field, to learn what others are currently investigating and studying, and to exchange experience and practical knowledge from a student point of view. Participants will be able to discuss their goals, methods, and results of their current research in a special student-centered environment. The symposium will also provide an opportunity to interact with the two chairs, who are both senior researchers with a large amount of experience in advising, graduating, and mentoring doctoral students.

The symposium will consist of a full student session with individual five-minute student introductions, an open discussion of issues of interest to students, a short, fun talk about the realities of academic life from the chairs, and an open Q&A session to wind up. The main idea is to meet one another and build connections with the people who will be your colleagues in the future.

Submissions to the student symposium of at most 2 pages should include:

A brief statement of your current academic status and plans (e.g., how long you have been in the program, milestones passed, milestones yet to complete, basic degree requirements, etc.)
Your research topic or current technical problem you are addressing
Methods you are using to address the problem, and any proposed solutions
Evaluation methods you are using (or plan to use)
Due: May 3rd, 2013 via ICPC 2013 Tracks, Student Symposium.

We encourage every student to submit at least a one-page statement of their plans and current status as a means of introducing yourself to other participants. Submissions will be distributed only to other student participants in the symposium.

The student symposium will be a closed-door event, open only to students attending ICPC 2013 and the symposium chairs. This will allow for an open discussion and free exchange of ideas in a non-threatening, student-centered environment.

Student Symposium Chairs:
Prof. James R. Cordy, Queen’s University, Canada
Prof. Jonathan I. Maletic, Kent State University, USA

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