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Changing Cultures... 2010 : Changing Cultures...Veterinary Medicine & Literature


When May 10, 2010 - May 11, 2010
Where Guelph, Ontario
Submission Deadline Feb 1, 2010
Notification Due Mar 1, 2010
Categories    literature   veterinary   medicine   poetry

Call For Papers

Please circulate widely...
Marie-France Boissonneault, B.A., B.Sc., Ph.D.
Post-Doctoral Fellow,
Ontario Veterinary College,
University of Guelph
http://www.equilibriumbooks. com/nemesis.htm

Changing Cultures...
Veterinary Medicine & Literature

A two day symposium on veterinary medicine and the literary arts.
Co-sponsored by the society for veterinary medicine and literature

May 10th and 11th, 2010
Ontario Veterinary College,
University of Guelph
Examining the role of poetry, fiction and essays in veterinary medicine and exploring how literature enriches relationships among veterinarians, their clients and nonhuman animals. The event will bring together writers, veterinarians, veterinary students and scholars in diverse disciplines to explore common themes in veterinary medicine and literature.

Confirmed featured speakers include the internationally known poets Mark Doty and Molly Peacock.

Mark Doty's Fire to Fire: New and Selected Poems won the National Book Award for Poetry in 2008 and his Dog Years was a 2007 New York Times best seller.

Molly Peacock is general editor of The Best Canadian Poetry in English. Her most recent collection of poetry is The Second Blush.

The symposium organisers welcome papers on any aspect of veterinary medicine and the literary arts, including:

Themes within the healing professions

Client communications
The human-animal bond
'First, do no harm'
Dying, death and grief
Retaining purpose and joy
The use of fiction, essays and poetry in medicine and the healing professions

To enhance understanding and empathy in relation to these professions
In the context of our personal philosophies of writing i.e., 'Why write?'
With an interest in personal memoirs
With regard to veterinary science and the experience of being a scientist
What I read and why
Future directions for literature in veterinary medicine

To enrich curricular and extracurricular veterinary medical education and practice.

Call for Papers

Proposal Deadline is
February 1st, 2010

Preference will be given to papers and posters focusing on the subject themes, and the interconnections between veterinary medicine and literature. Podium presentations should be 15 minutes in length. Several abstracts can be submitted by the same author, but priority will be given to accommodate all participants.

Please include the following information:

Author(s) full name(s) - with the presenting author underlined
Complete mailing address with telephone, fax, and email
Title of abstract
Preferred sub-theme
State whether your submission is a podium or poster presentation
Confirmation of acceptance of the abstract/poster will be provided by March 1st.

The final acceptance of any proposal is dependent on the registration of the presenting author.

Please send your abstract proposals, no more than 500 words, for paper or poster presentations to

To find out more about the field of veterinary medicine and literature, visit

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