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IEEE Healthcom 2016 : IEEE HealthCom 2016: 18th International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services


When Sep 14, 2016 - Sep 17, 2016
Where Munich, Germany
Submission Deadline May 31, 2016
Notification Due Jul 15, 2016
Final Version Due Jul 31, 2016
Categories    e-health   healthcare   health informatics   communications

Call For Papers

IEEE HealthCom 2016 aims at bringing together interested parties from around the world working in the healthcare field to exchange ideas, discuss innovative and emerging solutions, and develop collaborations.

Healthcare is one of the largest industries with 5-18% of GDPs spent on health and Care globally. The healthcare budgets of the vast majority of nations continue to outgrow their GDPs. Social, demographic, economic and technological factors are the drivers for ever faster changing healthcare models. While the demographic shifts in the populations display significant socio-economic challenges they trigger more and more opportunities for innovators in the areas of sensor technology the Internet of Things, Robotics, e-health, m-Health, Cloud Computing and emerging technologies such as 5G, Big Data, SDNs, NFV, Precision and Personalized Medicine. However, the integration of innovative technology into society is associated with a lot of complexities. Social technological alignment and societal acceptance of technology requires sound solutions with regards to ethical, legal, social and security challenges.

Prospective authors are cordially invited to submit their original contributions covering completed or ongoing work related to the e-Health area.

IEEE Healthcom 2016 Scope for contributions:

Medical, Biomedical and Health Informatics

Electronic medical records (EMR) and electronic prescription
Data preprocessing, cleansing, management and mining
Data quality assessment and improvement
Medical imaging
Computer-aided detection, hypothesis generation and diagnosis
Evidence-based medicine
Evolutionary and longitudinal patient and disease models
Clinical workflow
Medication adherence and health monitoring
Smart health and big data
Deep IoT analysis


High-confidence medical devices
Integration of medical devices with e-Health
Medical device interoperability
Wearable devices
In/on/around-body sensors and actuators
Biosensors at the micro/nano-scale
Smart garments/textiles
Wireless energy transfer
Energy harvesting
Device security

Communications and Networking

Communication/network infrastructures, architectures and protocols for e-Health
Soft-SIM technology
Narrowband technology
Antennas and propagation
Proximity-based communication, group communication and social networks
Power-efficient communication
Ultra wideband communication
Delay-tolerant, fault-tolerant and reliable communication
Cognitive communication for medical bands
In-hospital networking, body area networking and cloud-integrated networking
Software-defined networks and network management
Network Function Virtualization
Nanoscale/molecular communications
Network coding and error detection/correction
Resilience and robustness

Signal/Data Processing and Systems

Context awareness and situation awareness
Image/video processing and computer/robot vision
Internet of things, Ambient intelligence and pervasive computing
Augmented reality and human-computer interaction
Motion detection and activity recognition
User modeling and personalization
Computing/storage infrastructures for e-Health such as clouds and virtualization
Software, systems and performance engineering for e-Health

Services and Applications

e-Health services/applications for physical and mental health; for example, in acute care, chronic care, mental health care, biomedical engineering, rehabilitation, prosthetics, elderly/nursing care, smart homes and hospitals, and rural/wilderness practice.
e-Health services/applications for sports and exercise; for example, in training prescription and feedback, concussion detection/monitoring, life-logging and fitness monitoring.
e-Health services/applications for public health; for example, disease prevention, pandemic preparedness, epidemiological interventions and smart cities.
e-Health services/applications for extreme environments; for example, in fire fighting, disaster response, evacuation assistance, medical triage, space travel/exploration, deep diving and deep sea exploration
m-Health applications and software
Quality of experience (QoE) with e-Health services/applications.
Security, privacy and trust for e-Health services/applications
Emerging cloud-based services/applications including health clouds/grids

System research

Requirements Engineering
Social technological alignment
E-health and m-health governance
Quality of care
Business modeling
Supply chain management
Anti counterfeiting
Smart Pharmaceuticals
Global e-health strategies
Tagging and tracking
Work flow
Patient flow

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