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Nordic Workshop 2020 : Clinical NGS Data Analysis Nordic Workshop 2020


When Nov 3, 2020 - Nov 3, 2020
Where South Denmark University, Odense, DK
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    genomics   biotechnology   bioinformatics   genetics

Call For Papers

This year, our annual Clinical NGS Data Analysis Nordic Workshop, led by the Bioinformatics team of Odense University Hospital (OUH), will take place in Odense. The workshop will aim to go over the steps from acquisition of sequencing data to the generation of the bam- and vcf- files that will be used in the subsequent filtering for variants. Variants will be evaluated using various databases and prediction tools to establish potential pathogenic variants. Workshop delegates will be given tutorials and examples and will be expected to handle the data themselves on their own laptops. This workshop will be hands-on, so all delegates will need to bring their own laptop. Full laptop requirements are Java 7 or 8, 4GB RAM and 10 GB of free hard disc space, Microsoft Excel and Internet access (WiFi will be provided at the venue).

Who should attend:
NGS users, researchers and students, bioinformaticians, NHS & Private Labs, Biotech Companies, CRO’s, Service Providers and everyone interested in NGS, bioinformatics, biomarkers, computational biology, data analysis, data interpretation, DNA sequencing, genetics, infectious and inherited diseases, NGS data storage, informatics, molecular and cell biology and molecular diagnostics.

The bioinformatics team leading this workshop consists of the following teachers:
1. Marin Larsen, ass. Prof., PhD, molecular biologist, bioinformatician at OUH in charge of the clinical sequencing data acquisition.
2. Mark Burton, ass. Prof., PhD, molecular biologist, bioinformatician handling quantitative sequencing data and statistics
3. Lars Andersen, PhD-student, mathematician, handling various models requiring advanced computation.
4. Ieva Miceikaite, PHD Fellow at the Department of Clinical Genetics, OUH.
5. Klaus Brusgaard, assoc Prof., PhD, molecular biologist, evaluating genetic variants using various databases and prediction tools.

Key words:
NGS, DNA, bioinformatics, biology, genetics, genomics, diagnostics, proteomics, biomarkers, computational biology, data analysis, data interpretation, DNA sequencing, disease, genetic disease, informatics, molecular biology, cell biology, molecular diagnostics, event, conference, speakers, education, lecture, science, genes, medicine, technology

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