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SeAC 2017 : Workshop on Self-Aware Computing


When Jul 18, 2017 - Jul 18, 2017
Where Columbus, Ohio, USA
Submission Deadline Apr 3, 2017
Notification Due Apr 20, 2017
Final Version Due Apr 28, 2017
Categories    self-aware   reasoning   models   learning

Call For Papers



Workshop on Self-Aware Computing (SeAC)
at ICAC 2017, July 17-18, 2017, Columbus, Ohio - USA


- Extended paper submission deadline: April 3, 2017
- Author Notification: April 20, 2017
- Final Manuscript: April 28, 2017
All deadlines are 11:59 pm AoE (Anytime on Earth)


During the past decade, many different research communities
have explored the aspects of self-awareness in computing systems,
each from their own perspective. Relevant work can be found in
different areas including autonomic computing, self-adaptive
and self-organizing systems, machine learning, artificial
intelligence and multi-agent systems, organic computing,
context- and situation-aware systems, reflective computing,
model-predictive control, as well as work from the models@run-time

The workshop on self-aware computing (SeAC) provides a forum
to foster interaction and collaborations between the respective
research communities, raising the awareness about related research
efforts and synergies that can be exploited to advance the
state of the art. The workshop was initiated by the Dagstuhl
Seminar 15041 ( on "Model-driven
Algorithms and Architectures for Self-Aware Computing Systems“,
which brought together 45 international experts. The term
„self-aware computing system“ is understood in a broad sense
seeking to integrate the different ways in which this term is
used in the interdisciplinary research landscape.

"Self-aware computing systems are computing systems that:
- learn models capturing knowledge about themselves and
their environment (such as their structure, design,
state, possible actions, and run-time behavior)
on an ongoing basis and
- reason using the models (for example predict, analyze,
consider, plan) enabling them to act based on their knowledge
and reasoning (for example explore, explain, report, suggest,
self-adapt, or impact their environment)
in accordance with higher-level goals,
which may also be subject to change.


- Fundamental science and theory
of self-aware computing systems
- Levels and aspects of self-aware computing systems
- Architectures for individual and collective systems
- Methods and algorithms for model learning
(self-modeling) and reasoning
- Self-adaptation in individual and collective systems
- Synthesis and verification
- Metrics and benchmarks
- Transition strategies for increasing self-awareness
in existing systems
- Open challenges and future research directions
- Applications and case studies:
cloud computing, cyber-physical systems,
data centers, dependable computing,
industrial internet / industry 4.0,
internet of things, mobile computing,
service-oriented systems, smart buildings,
smart city, smart grid / energy management,
smart factory, traffic management, autonomous robotics,
and space applications.


The workshop participants will be selected based on their
experience and ideas related to the field of self-aware computing.
There are two ways to participate:
i) present a talk without a respective paper
published in the workshop proceedings,
ii) submit a paper to be presented at the workshop and
published in the workshop proceedings.

We solicit the following types of contributions:
- Talk extended abstract limited to 1 page
(without formatting restrictions)
- Technical paper limited to 8 pages
(double column, IEEE format)

Contributions in the 1st category may have already been (partially)
presented at other events or in publications. Contributions in the
2nd category (technical papers) must represent original and
unpublished work that is not currently under review. Technical
papers may report on original research, lessons learned from
realizing an approach, or experiences on transferring a research
prototype into practice. Shorter work-in-progress or position papers
that motivate the community to address new challenges are also welcome.
Papers will be reviewed by at least two PC members and judged on
originality, significance, interest, correctness, clarity, and
relevance to the broader community. At least one author of each
accepted submission is required to attend the workshop.
Technical papers will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press
and made available as a part of the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
In addition, papers will be part of the ICAC conference proceedings
with ISBN number. Technical papers should follow the double column,
IEEE format and need to be submitted electronically via EasyChair.
Extended abstracts need to be submitted as "abstract only"
submissions via EasyChair


Samuel Kounev and Nikolas Herbst, University of Würzburg, Germany
Martina Maggio, Lund University, Sweden

PROGRAM COMMITEE (preliminary)

Marco Autili, University of L'Aquila, Italy
Kirstie Bellman, The Aerospace Corporation, USA
Javier Camara, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Betty H.C. Cheng, Michigan State University, USA
Lukas Esterle, TU Wien, Austria
Kurt Geihs, Universitaet Kassel, Germany
Holger Giese, Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany
Daniel Gmach, HP Labs, USA
Sebastian Goetz, University of Technology Dresden, Germany
Niklas Karlsson, AOL, USA
Jeff Kephart, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Peter Lewis, Aston University, UK
Ole J. Mengshoel, Carnegie Mellon University – Silicon Valley, US
Arif Merchant, Google Inc. , USA
Xiaoyun Zhu, Futurewei Technologies, USA
Andrea Zisman, The Open University, UK

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