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CCDWN 2015 : Content Caching and Delivery in Wireless Networks


When Dec 1, 2015 - Dec 1, 2015
Where Heidelberg, Germany
Submission Deadline Aug 28, 2015
Notification Due Sep 14, 2015
Final Version Due Oct 4, 2015
Categories    computer networks   wireless communications   caching   content delivery

Call For Papers

Call for Papers: Content Caching and Delivery in Wireless Networks (CCDWN) 2015 Workshop

Future and emerging wireless networks will pose extreme communication requirements such as very high throughput rates and very low latency, particularly in QoE sensitive applications such as multimedia content delivery. Currently, operators are striving to reduce the investment and maintenance costs for cellular systems. In this context, caching has been proposed as a technique that has the potential to reduce backhaul network traffic and improve content latency for the wireless user. Especially in 5G, caching is poised as one of the most promising new technologies. The “Content Caching and Delivery in Wireless Networks (CCDWN) 2015” workshop (!/ccdwn) focuses on techniques that aim to achieve efficient content delivery to the end user in order to meet the stringent quality requirements of 5G wireless. The idea is to bring together experts in the field and discuss ways in which content caching, sharing and prefetching can play a leading role in future wireless networks. Indicative research topics of high interest include but are not limited to:

* Scaling laws for the capacity of wireless networks equipped with caches
* Caching architectures and cache replacement policies for wireless networks
* Optimal content / cache placement: polynomial-time approximation algorithms, minimum latency problem, minimum network traffic problem (both static & dynamic variations)
* Joint replication and delivery techniques: replacement policies, dynamic routing policies
* Proactive caching: recommendation models, prefetching, scheduling
* Estimation of content popularity: machine learning approaches, dynamic content popularity models, measurement-based popularity estimation, prediction of future popularity and popularity trends
* Exploitation of the time aspect: caching viral files, user mobility, non-stationary models
* Interface of caching techniques with communications techniques, including scheduling, routing, multicasting, femto caching, and MIMO communications
* Network coding techniques: coded caching, distributed storage
* Network economic aspects of caching: where to cache? Storage vs BW tradeoff, incentives, game theoretic models
* Practical aspects of content caching and delivery in wireless networks including control information overhead minimization, efficient protocols, standardization, and issues such as tunneling and encrypted content
* Lessons learnt: what known techniques from Content Delivery Networks teach us
* Energy saving through caching
* Caching for Information Centric Networks

This workshop aims to bring together people from different communities, including networking, communications, computer science, operation research, and machine learning, to shed light on the latest developments in the field. To maximize interaction and visibility, CCDWN will be co-located with ACM CoNEXT 2015 ( and will take place on December 1st 2015, in Heidelberg, Germany. The workshop is considered an integral part of the CoNEXT 2015 conference. All CCDWN papers will be published in the same set of proceedings as the main conference and will be made available on the ACM Digital Library. Publication at this workshop is not intended to preclude later publication of an extended version of the paper. At least one author of each accepted paper is expected to present his / her paper at the workshop.

Keynote Presentation:

The workshop keynote presentation will be delivered by Prof. Giuseppe Caire.

Instructions for Authors:

A submission must be no greater than 6 pages in length including all figures, tables, references, appendices, etc., and must be a PDF file of less than 10MB in size. The review process is single-blind. Follow the same formatting guidelines as the CoNEXT conference, except CCDWN has a 6 page limit and a 10MB file size limit. See the Paper Submission Requirements section (!/submission). Submissions that deviate from these guidelines will be rejected without consideration. Submit your paper online by 23:59 pm Central European Time (CET), August 21, 2015, at:

Important dates:

Paper submissions: August 21, 2015
Paper acceptance notifications: September 14, 2015
Camera-ready deadline: October 4, 2015
Workshop Date: December 1, 2015

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