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FALR Symposium 2016 : First Amendment Law Review Symposium: Freedom of Speech in Higher Education


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    constitutional law   first amendment   freedom of speech   higher education

Call For Papers

A Call for Papers on Free Speech in Higher Education
The First Amendment Law Review (FALR) at the University of North Carolina School of Law is currently accepting submissions for brief but engaging articles related to free speech in higher education. As these submissions will be considered for publication in our symposium issue, shorter articles (less than 30 pages) are preferred, but longer articles will still be considered.
This fall, the First Amendment Law Review’s annual symposium will bring scholars from across the country to meet in Chapel Hill, NC to discuss this important issue. The symposium will feature three panel discussions covering the following topics: (1) student speech; (2) faculty and administration speech; and (3) practical perspectives on free speech in higher education.

The first panel on student speech will discuss the host of legal issues associated with the delicate balance between allowing free expression while also preventing a hostile campus environment. The second panel will focus on the status of free speech protections for faculty and administration. As government employees, these rights differ from those of students, but the panel will look at current trends for the protection of such speech. The third panel will examine free speech in higher education from a practical perspective. We will hear from policymakers, faculty members, and other stakeholders about their views of the balance between a peaceful campus environment and the values of the First Amendment.

This symposium, sponsored by the only legal journal in the country dedicated solely to the First Amendment, will be essential for anyone interested in the intersection between the First Amendment and higher education.
Submissions may be sent via email to The deadline for symposium edition submissions is January 8, 2016.
All submissions should be in Microsoft Word format, 12-point font, preferably Times New Roman. The text itself should be double-spaced; footnotes should be single-spaced. FALR uses The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation. All submissions should comply with the Bluebook.

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