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SpanishCinema 2016 : Panel in NeMLA The Documentary Film Movement in Contemporary Spain


When Mar 17, 2016 - Mar 20, 2016
Where NeMLA, Hartford, CT (USA)
Submission Deadline Sep 30, 2015
Categories    spanish cinema   documentary film   cultural studies   media studies

Call For Papers

The proposed panel explores the development of a documentary film and video movement from the margins of the Spanish film industry during the early years of the twenty-first century.

A wave of documentarists connected to academic master’s programs in documentary engage a creative, and inventive approach to represent the real by breaking the boundaries of traditional documentary filmmaking. This paradigm reconstructs the historical and social world from a subjective perspective beyond the expository mode. Thus, the new documentary makers engage the subject incorporating a variety of approaches such as reflexivity and performativity, hybridization, aesthetic experimentation, innovative use of appropriated images, and a complex and fluid representation of identities, spaces, and bodies.

The panel broadly intends to identify and describe some of the trends that have emerged in non-fiction cinema and to place them within a theoretical framework that examines questions of Spanish cultural identity, new subjectivities, new documentary studies, transnational documentary filmmaking, memory studies, cinematic space, affect theory, among others.

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