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AsianHOST 2016 : IEEE Asian Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust Symposium 2016


When Dec 19, 2016 - Dec 20, 2016
Where Taipei Area, Taiwan
Abstract Registration Due Aug 8, 2016
Submission Deadline Aug 15, 2016
Notification Due Sep 22, 2016
Final Version Due Oct 15, 2016
Categories    hardware security   security   IOT   side channel attacks

Call For Papers

CALL FOR PAPERS: IEEE Asian Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust Symposium (AsianHOST) 2016- Taipei Area, Taiwan, December 2016

Hardware has long been viewed as a trusted party supporting the whole computer system and is often treated as an abstract layer running instructions passed through the software layer. Historically, cybersecurity community believed that the integrated circuit (IC) supply chain is well protected. However, the IC supply chain, which is now spread around the globe, has become more vulnerable to attacks than before. The heavy reliance on third-party resources/services breeds security concerns and invalidates the illusion that attackers cannot easily access the isolated IC supply chain. Formal methods have been proven to be effective in security verification on hardware code. Trustworthy hardware is also under development for the construction of the root-of-trust. The intrinsic properties of existing and emerging devices, MOSFET, memristor, spintronics, etc. are leveraged for security primitives and applications. Another trend in the hardware security area is the development of security enhanced hardware infrastructure for system level protection. The goal is to provide a fully operational software and hardware platform that ensures secure design, manufacturing, and deployment of modern computer systems.

IEEE Asian Hardware Oriented Security and Trust Symposium (AsianHOST) aims to facilitate the rapid growth of hardware security research and development in Asia and South Pacific areas. AsianHOST highlights new results in the area of hardware and system security. Relevant research topics include techniques, tools, design/test methods, architectures, circuits, and applications of secure hardware. AsianHOST 2016 invites original contributions related to, but not limited by, the following topics.

• Hardware Trojan attacks and detection techniques
• Side-channel attacks and countermeasures
• Metrics, policies, and standards related to hardware security
• Secure system-on-chip (SoC) architecture
• Security rule checks at IP, IC, and System levels
• Hardware IP trust (watermarking, metering, trust verification)
• FPGA security
• Trusted manufacturing including split manufacturing, 2.5D, and 3D ICs
• Emerging nanoscale technologies in hardware security applications
• Security analysis and protection of Internet of Things (IoT)
• Cyber-physical system (CPS) security and resilience
• Reverse engineering and hardware obfuscation at all levels of abstraction
• Supply chain risks mitigation including counterfeit detection & avoidance
• Hardware techniques that ensure software and/or system security
• Analysis of real attacks and threat evaluation

To present at the symposium, submit an Acrobat (PDF) version of your paper on the symposium submission website ( The page limit is 6 pages, double column, IEEE format, with a minimum font size of 10 points. Submissions must be anonymous and must not identify the authors, directly or indirectly, anywhere in the manuscript.

For students: Best paper award for a paper whose first author is a full-time student at the submission time.

Registration of Title + Abstract: August 8, 2016
Submission of Paper: August 15, 2015
Notification of Acceptance: September 22, 2016
Camera-ready Version: October 15, 2016
Conference Website:

Technical Program: Y. Jin
U. of Central Florida
Tel: +1 (407) 823-5321

General Information: S. Bhunia
U. of Florida
Tel: +1 (352) 392-5989

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