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AIED 2011 : Artificial Intelligence in Education 2011Conference Series : Artificial Intelligence in Education | |||||||||||
Link: http://www.aied2011.canterbury.ac.nz/home | |||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||
The 15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2011) is the next in a longstanding series of biennial international conferences for high quality research in intelligent systems and cognitive science for educational computing applications. The conference provides opportunities for the cross-fertilization of approaches, techniques and ideas from the many fields that make up this interdisciplinary research field, including: agent technologies, artificial intelligence, computer science, cognitive and learning sciences, education, educational technologies, game design, psychology, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, linguistics, and the many domain-specific areas for which AIED systems have been designed, deployed and evaluated.
To reflect these broad interests that combine advanced technology with advanced understanding of learners, learning, and the context of learning, the theme of AIED 2011 is "Next Generation Learning Environments: Supporting Cognitive, Metacognitive, Social and Affective Aspects of Learning". We invite submissions to the AIED 2011 conference, which will be held 27 June - 1 July 2011, in Christchurch, New Zealand. TOPICS: Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: 1. Modelling and Representation Models of learners, facilitators, tasks and problem-solving processes Models of groups and communities for learning Modelling learning contexts Modelling motivation, metacognition, and affective aspects of learning Ontological modelling Dealing with learner dynamics Handling uncertainty and multiple perspectives Representing and analysing discourse during learning 2. Models of Learning Intelligent tutoring and scaffolding Intelligent games for learning Motivational diagnosis and feedback Interactive pedagogical agents and learning companions Agents that promote metacognition, motivation and affect Adaptive question-answering Multi-agent architectures 3. Intelligent Technologies Natural language processing Data mining and machine learning Knowledge representation and reasoning Semantic web technologies and standards Social recommendations Social networks 4. Pedagogical Models Inquiry learning Social dimensions of learning Social-historical-cultural contexts Informal learning environments Communities of practice 5. Learning Contexts and Domains Learning in open web environments Collaborative and group learning Simulation-based learning Ubiquitous learning environments Learning grid Lifelong and workplace learning Domain-specific learning applications (e.g. language, mathematics, science, medicine, military, industry). 6. Evaluation Human-computer interaction Evaluation methodologies Experiences and lessons learned SUBMISSION CATEGORIES: Full papers (8 pages) - All submissions should describe original and unpublished work. Posters (3 pages) - Authors are encouraged to submit reports on work-in-progress including, where possible, early results. Young researcher's track / Doctoral consortium (YRT/DC) (2 pages) - The YRT/DC is for work-in progress by graduate/postgraduate students and other young/new researchers. (http://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fowa.bham.ac.uk%2Fowa%2Fredir.aspx%3FC%3D87f7baa1adfb42428d42d52a532d5c31%26URL%3Dhttp%253a%252f%252fwww.aied2009.com%252faied-call-for-interactive-events.html&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFrqEzdjwTs1BlzdySMtrwn3McI9cwGv0Q)Interactive events (1-2 pages) - To showcase interactive demonstrations of AIED systems. (http://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fowa.bham.ac.uk%2Fowa%2Fredir.aspx%3FC%3D87f7baa1adfb42428d42d52a532d5c31%26URL%3Dhttp%253a%252f%252fwww.aied2009.com%252faied-call-for-workshops.html&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFrqEzdqd4mNLr3scZ9lu5I6S46LJwcXZQ)Workshop proposals (2-4 pages) – Proposals for workshops on "hot" topics in AIED. (http://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fowa.bham.ac.uk%2Fowa%2Fredir.aspx%3FC%3D87f7baa1adfb42428d42d52a532d5c31%26URL%3Dhttp%253a%252f%252fwww.aied2009.com%252faied-call-for-tutorials.html&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFrqEzd4cVtA9xd0R-Zupig-dIxJEMUisA)Tutorial proposals (2-4 pages) – Proposals for tutorials on important AIED topics. Submissions will be through EasyChair. The required page format and full details for all submissions will be confirmed on the conference website. SUBMISSION DATES: - Full Papers, Young Researchers Track papers: 12 Jan 2011 (23:59 GMT) - Posters, Interactive Events: 14 Jan 2011 (23.59 GMT) - Workshop, Tutorial Proposals: 19 Jan 2011 (23:59 GMT) CONFERENCE ORGANISATION: Conference Chair: Judy Kay Program Chairs: Gautam Biswas & Susan Bull Poster Chairs: Tak-Wai Chan & Rafael Morales Young Researchers Track: Pramuditha Suraweera & TBA Interactive Events Chairs: Chad Lane & Brent Martin Panel Chairs: Monique Grandbastien & Jim Greer Tutorial Chairs: Bert Bredeweg & Riichiro Mizoguchi Workshop Chairs: Cristina Conati & Isabel Fernandez de Castro Publicity Chairs: Peter Brusilovsky, Rose Luckin & Moffatt Mathews Sponsorship Chairs: Lewis Johnson & Chee-Kit Looi Local Arrangements: Antonija Mitrovic |