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SBIE 2016 : Brazilian Symposium on Informatics in Education


When Oct 24, 2016 - Oct 27, 2016
Where Uberlândia, MG, Brazil
Submission Deadline May 31, 2016
Categories    informatics in education   educational technology   systems for teaching/learning

Call For Papers

The Brazilian Symposium of Informatics in Education (SBIE) is an annual event sponsored by the Special Committee on Informatics in Education (CEIE) of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC). It aims to disseminate the scientific production in this area and provide an environment for the exchange of experiences and ideas with entrepreneurs, professionals, professors, students and national and foreign researchers. This conference is addressed to the community on Informatics in Education and researchers of related areas. The SBIE was firstly held in Rio de Janeiro in 1990. Since then, it has been annually held. As of 2012 it became the main event of the Brazilian Congress on Informatics in Education (CBIE). The SBIE prioritizes those works that bring contributions related to production of educational technology. Works emphasizing the use of technology should be directed to the Workshop on Informatics in School (WIE), which is also a joint event of the Brazilian Congress on Informatics in Education.

Full paper submissions for the SBIE 2016 should be submitted through JEMS ( in a pdf file only. As the review process will be anonymized, authors should omit any information that could identify them in the paper. Papers that do not follow this recommendation will be automatically excluded from the review process. All submissions must necessarily follow the SBC template for paper publications ( Some additional rules must be observed:

- full papers should be between 08 (eight) and 10 (ten) pages including tables, figures, and references;
- short papers should be between 04 (four) and 05 (five) pages including tables, figures, and references;
- submissions must not have been previously published nor be under evaluation or editing for publication elsewhere;
- each paper should be submitted for one track only. Papers submitted to more than one track will be immediately rejected;
- the paper’s cover page should not contain any identification of the authors (the ones having any kind of identification will be immediately rejected);
- in case of acceptance, the authors should include their personal information (name, affiliation, e-mail, as well as other needed information to the paper – e.g., citations to other works of the authors);
- the paper should have a section describing the employed scientific methodology;
- the paper should have a result analysis section, highlighting the technological contributions for the teaching/learning process;
- it is strongly recommended to cite papers published in previous editions of the RBIE and/or in the proceedings of WIE and SBIE, whose papers can be found here for free;
- papers can be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish;
- incomplete submissions (all data requested by JEMS and the corresponding file properly loaded according to the established rules) will be immediately rejected;
- papers will be selected from the review by members of CBIE/WIE program committee. The review process will be conducted anonymously (blind review) and any submission will be reviewed by at least two reviewers, with a third reviewer if necessary.

The paper should contain

- an overview of the subject including the work goals and its relevance;
- the scientific methodology such as procedures, strategies, techniques and tools, documents, equipment, environment, among others including, if appropriate, the statistical methodology used;
- description and discussion of the results;
- conclusion based on the results, relating them to the work’s goals.

Accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings of the CBIE 2016 as long as at least one author has completed his/her registration for the event.

Important Dates

- Deadline for paper submissions: May 31, 2016 (until 11:59pm)
- Notification of acceptance: July 31, 2016
- Camera-ready version: August 7, 2016
- Deadline for author’s registration: September 15, 2016

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