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PMMPS 2010 : First International Workshop on Programming Methods for Mobile and Pervasive Systems


When May 17, 2010 - May 17, 2010
Where Helsinki, Finland
Submission Deadline Mar 1, 2010
Notification Due Mar 29, 2010
Final Version Due Apr 12, 2010
Categories    programming languages   pervasive systems

Call For Papers

First International Workshop on Programming Methods
for Mobile and Pervasive Systems (PMMPS'10)

Helsinki, Finland, May 17, 2010.

Colocated with Pervasive 2010, the 8th International Conference
on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive'10)

The International Workshop on Programming Methods for Mobile and Pervasive
Systems (PMMPS) is intended to bring together researchers in programming
languages, software architecture and design, and pervasive systems to present
and discuss results and approaches to the development of mobile and pervasive
systems. The goal is to begin the process of developing the software design
and development tools necessary for the next generation of services in dynamic
environments, including mobile and pervasive computing, wireless sensor
networks, and adaptive devices.

Potential workshop participants should submit a paper on topics relevant to
programming models for mobile and pervasive systems. We are primarily seeking
short position papers (2?4 pages), although full papers that have not been
published and are not under consideration elsewhere will also be considered (a
maximum of 10 pages). Position papers that lay out some of the challenges to
programming mobile and pervasive systems, including past failures, are
welcome. Papers longer than 10 pages may be automatically rejected by the
chairs or workshop committee. From the submissions, the program committee will
strive to balance participation between academia and industry and across
topics. Selected papers will appear on the workshop web site; PMMPS has no
formal published proceedings. Authors of selected papers will be invited to
submit extended versions for publication in an appropriate journal (under

Submission deadline: March 1, 2010.
Notification: March 29, 2010.
Final copy: April 12, 2010.
Workshop: May 17, 2010.

Both new ideas and *critical evaluation of earlier approaches* are welcome.

Dominic Duggan
Associate Professor, Computer Science
Stevens Institute of Technology
Hoboken, NJ 07030.
Telephone: (201) 216-8042

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