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IRI Annual 2018 : IRI 2018 Annual Conference: Breaking Boundaries


When Jun 4, 2018 - Jun 7, 2018
Where Atlanta, GA
Submission Deadline Dec 1, 2017
Final Version Due Dec 1, 2017
Categories    innovation   innovation management   management and innovation   innovation breakthroughs

Call For Papers

Breaking Boundaries: What’s Now, What’s Next

Innovation and technological breakthroughs continue to happen at an ever-accelerating pace. New technologies are introduced to market at a rapid rate, disrupting current dominant technologies. Life cycles are shortened as even more technologies emerge. How does this continual change affect your innovation process, business strategy, and technology partnerships? What can companies do to be resilient and “disruption-proof?” What is the best way to break these barriers to success, or find a path around them? Success in today’s reality requires foresight and the ability to be creative in leveraging effective innovation capabilities without becoming overwhelmed; a skilled eye scanning future boundaries and breakthroughs while recognizing how to respond. IRI’s 2018 Annual Conference explores what companies, large and small, must do to adapt to this shift in continuity and challenge conventional ways of managing innovation. The conference brings together innovators from large corporations, small startups, and everything in between. Innovators from all industries will come together to explore lessons from both new and established companies and learn tactics to survive and thrive in a constantly changing environment.

Confirmed Keynotes
Ms. Tan Le, CEO & Founder, Emotiv

Dr. Yann LeCun, Director of AI Research, Facebook

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