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ALLIANCE 2016 : International Workshop on Applications of Language Engineering Techniques in Many-Core Compilers


When Mar 13, 2016 - Mar 13, 2016
Where Barcelona
Submission Deadline Dec 21, 2015
Notification Due Jan 25, 2016
Final Version Due Feb 16, 2016
Categories    optimization   parallel computing   compilers   computer science

Call For Papers


First International Workshop on "Applications of Language
Engineering Techniques in Many-Core Compilers (ALLIANCE)", co-located
with the 2016 "International Symposium on Code Generation and
Optimization (CGO)" in Barcelona (Spain).


Paper submission deadline: 21st of December 2015
Author notification: 25th of January 2016
Camera ready version: 12th of February 2016
Workshop date: 13th of March 2016

All dates are Anywhere on Earth.


Declarative and high-level approaches in software language engineering
have been developed and successfully applied for decades. This includes
research and tools related to grammarware (i.e., grammar-based
software), automatic graph and term-rewrite systems as well as
model-based transformations and analyses. These techniques have proven
to be valuable in particular for the development of high-level
translators and language abstractions, typically in terms of domain
specific languages (DSLs). However, these kinds of research tools are
not widely used for general purpose programming languages, let alone in
the design of compiler backends. One reason for this is that
high-quality compiler implementations for languages like C, C++ or Java
are provided by established hand-written compiler infrastructures like
GCC, LLVM or ICC. And because languages and computer architectures have
been relatively stable, maintenance costs of these infrastructures was
reasonable. However, the emerging many-core architectures require new
language abstractions for parallel programming and corresponding backend
support, which increases maintenance costs of hand-written compiler

Subject of the workshop therefore is the application of language
engineering techniques for the implementation of many-core compilers.
Examples for such applications are the development of DSLs acting as a
source-code preprocessor injecting parallelization means by using
grammarware; or transformation rules preparing intermediate
representations for many-core execution by using rewriting techniques.
This includes software application-specific many-core support by means
of software language engineering techniques. The intention of the
workshop is to foster communication and beneficial cooperation between
language engineers, compiler developers and many-core programmers.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

- Transformation techniques and tools in compilers
- Applications of graph and term-rewrite systems in many-core
compiler backends
- Model-driven approaches to compiler development
- Component models for compilers
- Efficient high-level approaches for program analyses
- Case studies of language engineering for many cores
- Language-engineering based applications for many cores
- Approaches for parallelism extraction
- Positive and negative experience reports


Our intension is to foster communication between researchers and
practitioners in the topics addressed by ALLIANCE. Hence, research
papers, reports on ongoing research, experience reports and tool
papers are the favorite types of submissions.

It is intended to publish the workshop proceedings as CEUR Workshop
Proceedings (, an open access journal (ISSN 1613-0073).
Papers should follow the EPTCS style
( and should not exceed a length of 8 pages.
Submitted articles must not have been previously published or
currently be submitted for publication elsewhere. Each paper will be
reviewed thoroughly by members of the ALLIANCE program committee.

Submission is made via Easychair:


The workshop is organized by Sven Karol (TU Dresden, Germany) and
Christoff Bürger (Lund University, Sweden). For any questions or
concerns about the call for papers, please contact the workshop chairs

Related Resources

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