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SAMOS 2010 : International Symposium on Systems, Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS X)


Conference Series : International Conference / Workshop on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation
When Jul 19, 2010 - Jul 22, 2010
Where Samos, Greece
Submission Deadline Apr 2, 2010
Notification Due May 19, 2010
Final Version Due Jun 7, 2010
Categories    embedded systems   simulation   modeling

Call For Papers

SAMOS is a premier and well-established conference on embedded systems organized annually since 2001. The conference brings together researchers from academia and industry on the quiet and inspiring northern mountainside of the Mediterranean island of Samos. It provides an environment where collaboration rather than competition is fostered. The conference considers new state-of-the-art mature research papers on all aspects of embedded processor hardware/software design and integration. The SAMOS Conference is an IEEE co-sponsored conference (by both the IEEE CAS Society and the IEEE Germany SSCS chapter) (PENDING) and the conference proceedings will be published in the IEEE Xplore (PENDING).

SAMOS X topics of interest are (but not limited to):

* Application-specific/Domain-specific Embedded Systems
* Profiling, Measurement and Analysis Techniques for Embedded Systems
* Hardware/Software Co-design
* Design Space Exploration
* System-Level Design, Simulation, and Verification
* Embedded Reconfigurable Processors
* Multimedia and Graphics Architectures
* Energy-Aware and Low-Power Processors
* Embedded Parallel Systems
* Application Specifications and Modeling for Embedded Systems
* Memory Management, Smart Caches, and Compiler Controlled Memories
* Design, Specification and Synthesis of Embedded Systems
* Compilers and Mapping Technologies
* Multi-threaded Processors
* Computer Aided Design
* Specification Languages and Models
* Processor Simulation Technologies
* Novel Architectures and Micro-architectures for Embedded Systems
* Network-on-Chip Platforms
* Multi-Processor Systems-on-Chip
* Digital Signal Processors

Within SAMOS X, special sessions (on topics TBA) will be organized by:

* Yale Patt, University of Texas - Austin, US.
* Trevor Mudge, University of Michigan, US.

Important Dates

April 2, 2010 00:00 WET -- Paper Submission Deadline
May 19, 2010 -- Notification of Acceptance
June 7, 2010 -- Camera-ready Submission Deadline
July 19-22, 2010 -- SAMOS X Conference, Greece

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