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IWSEC 2016 : The 11th International Workshop on Security


Conference Series : International Workshop on Security
When Sep 12, 2016 - Sep 14, 2016
Where Tokyo
Submission Deadline Mar 31, 2016
Notification Due May 27, 2016
Final Version Due Jun 17, 2016
Categories    information security

Call For Papers

Original papers on the research and development of various security topics, as well as case studies and implementation experiences, are solicited for submission to IWSEC 2016. Topics of interest for IWSEC 2016 include all theory and practice of cryptography, information security, and network security, as in previous IWSEC workshops. In particular, we encourage the following topics in this year:

Big Data Analysis for Security
Critical Infrastructure Security
Cryptographic Protocols
Cybersecurity Economics
Digital Forensics
Enriched Cryptography
Formal Methods
IoT security
Machine Learning for Security
Malware Countermeasures
Measurements for Cybersecurity
Multiparty Computation
Post Quantum Cryptography
Privacy Preserving
Real World Cryptography
Visualization for Security

General co-chairs:
Masahiro Mambo (Kanazawa Univ., Japan)
Satoru Torii (Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Japan)

Program co-chairs:
Kazuto Ogawa (Japan Broadcasting Corporation, Japan)
Katsunari Yoshioka (Yokohama National Univ., Japan)

Proceedings will be published in Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.

Best Paper Awards:
Prizes will be awarded to the authors of the best paper(s) and the best student paper(s).

Keynote Talks:
We are planning to invite following world-leading researchers for keynote talks. Please wait for details to be announced:
Christopher Kruegel, UCSB, USA
Engin Kirda, Northeastern University, USA
Yosuke Todo, NTT, Japan

Instructions for Authors:
Submitted papers must be original, unpublished, and not submitted to other conferences or journals for consideration for publication. Papers must be written in English and be fully anonymous with no author names, affiliations, acknowledgements, or obvious references. They should be at most 16 pages long in total (including bibliography and appendices), in the standard LNCS format (except for author names and affiliations). They should be submitted electronically in PDF format. A detailed description of the electronic submission procedure will be available at the workshop website. Submissions not meeting the submission guidelines risk rejection without consideration of their merits. A part of papers may be accepted as short papers. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register with the workshop until final version due, and is also required to present the paper in the conference. If no author registers or presents the paper, the paper will be rejected regardless of the reasons. Note that, if your paper is accepted, the title and the author list in your submission cannot be changed when preparing the final version without the approval of the program co-chairs.

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