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When Oct 3, 2016 - Oct 7, 2016
Where San Carlos, Costa Rica
Submission Deadline May 31, 2016
Notification Due Jul 1, 2016
Categories    learning technologies   learning analytics   learning objects   educational research

Call For Papers

Latin American countries have an urgent need to share, to unite efforts and to grow up together in many areas, but especially in those areas that could lead us to improve the educational level of our people. Learning technologies may be considered by many the cornerstones for a whole new educational era that is under development, and Latin American countries must maintain an active forum for discussion of the existing technological alternatives that can be applied to our regional contexts. LACLO intends to be such a forum, where researchers, developers and educational practitioners are able to share their experiences and technological advances in the field of learning technologies, and to integrate these various technological developments into their teaching and learning contexts.

LACLO was first held in Guayaquil in 2006, and was organized by the Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral (ESPOL). In that year, the Latin American Community of Learning Objects (LACLO) was created. From there, the conference has been organized annually in different countries of the region (Santiago - Chile in 2007, Aguascalientes - Mexico in 2008, Mérida - Mexico in 2009, São Paulo - Brazil in 2010, Montevideo - Uruguay in 2011, Guayaquil - Ecuador in 2012, Valdivia - Chile in 2013, Manizales - Colombia in 2014 and Maceio - Brazil in 2015). The theme of the event has been expanding beyond the technology of learning objects, covering the entire spectrum of information and communication technologies to support and improve teaching and learning, which has led to a discussion within Community on the need and desirability of adopting a new name and renamed the Latin American Conference on Learning Objects and Learning Technologies.

This year, the Costa Rica Institute of Technology (TEC) coordinates the work of the XI Latin American Conference on Learning Objects and Technology (LACLO 2016) which will be the first edition of the conference in Central America. This conference will take place from October 3 to 7 in the city of San Carlos, Alajuela, Costa Rica. This year the conference aims to strengthen the relations and communication between educational and technological fields, focusing on the following main actions: (1) Retrieving educational research experiences that allow a better understanding of the use and impact of ICT in educational practices in Latin America; and (2) Recognizing and understanding the real problems of education in the region, and building relevant and effective technological solutions for them. Besides the presentation of full and short papers, LACLO will feature lectures by international experts, there will be tutorials and workshops on emerging topics and will carry out the extended LACLO annual meeting, as well as those meeting of other existing groups within the community. In addition, as it is a tradition in this Conference, there will be the contest of Learning Objects.

Organizing Institutions:

Latin American Community of Learning Objects and Technologies
Costa Rica Institute of Technology

Relevant Topics (non - exhaustive):

Educational research and technologies
• Experiences of educational use of technologies.
• Virtual communities of learning and practice.
• Impact of educational technologies.
• Problematic in integrating technology in education fields.

Educational needs and technological solutions
• Educational problems and development of relevant technologies.
• Pedagogical theories, educational models and development of technologies.
• New students and teachers: roles, relationships and technologies.
• Collaborative learning technologies.
• Designs teaching and learning with technology support.
• Designs environments for people with Special Needs Education NEED.

Learning objects and open educational resources
• Strategies for the generation of educational content.
• Use of technology in the design of educational content.
• Management, use and evaluation of educational content.

Learning Object Repositories
• Federation, integrated search and recommendation systems.
• Integration with virtual learning environments.

Integration with authoring tools.
• Strategies for quality assessment of resources within repositories.

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
• Theoretical analysis.
• Analysis of participation data.
• Development models.

Mobile Learning, T­Learning and Ubiquitous Learning
• Use of mobile devices in the classroom.
• Voting systems (such as clickers) and others.
• Mobile phones (in. Using SMS) in distance education.
• Mobile devices in museums, galleries, etc.
• Mobile devices and learning daily (language, dictionaries, etc.).
• Educational Television (tlearning).
• Learning objects for television.
• Effective use of media for education.

Learning analytics
• Academic Analytics (attrition, motivation, etc.).
• Analytical class (monitoring students’ actions).
• Analytical online (LMS, Web tools, etc.).
• Multimodal Analytics.

Classroom Reversed (Flipped Classroom)
• Theoretical analysis.
• Impact analysis.
• Development models.

Games and Virtual and Augmented Reality
• Educational games.
• Virtual, augmented and mixed reality diminished Education.
• Educational applications and impact of multiuser 3D virtual environments.
• Serious games

Personalized learning
• Recommender systems.
• Automatic creation (semi) courses or lessons.
• Cognitive and intelligent tutors.
• Technological support for self-managed learning.

Adaptability and Accessibility
• Create content in multiple languages or languages.
• Adaptation of content to the educational level.
• Modeling of the student and educational adaptation.
• Technologies for educational inclusion.
• Technologies for providing education of special needs.

Other topics that the authors consider relevant to the discussion on the topic of Technology for Education in the region may also be included. All articles submitted will be reviewed and weighted according to their relevance, originality, consistency and clarity by at least two reviewers from the same area.The final program and the proceedings will only include papers with at least one author registered in the conference and before final version submission deadline. Accepted and presented full and short papers will be indexed and published by IEEE Xplore Digital Library (pending).

The best full papers will be selected to submit an extended version for further review in indexed journals.
• Papers in Portuguese: RBIE - Brazilian Journal of Computers in Education. ( ISSN 1414-5685.

• Papers in Spanish and Portuguese: IEEE-RITA - IEEE Journal of Latin-American Learning Technologies.( ISSN: 1932-8540.

• Papers in English: Program: Electronic library and information systems (JCR 0.651). ( ISSN: 0033-0337
• International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies ( Online ISSN: 1744-263X.

Papers not presented in the conference, will not be published; and presentation by nonauthors must be authorized by the general program chairs in advance.

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