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LCTES 2016 : ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED Conference on Languages, Compilers, Tools and Theory for Embedded Systems (Call for Posters)


When Jun 13, 2016 - Jun 14, 2016
Where Santa Barbara, California, USA
Submission Deadline May 6, 2016
Categories    embedded systems   compilers

Call For Papers


ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED Conference on Languages, Compilers,
Tools and Theory for Embedded Systems (LCTES 2016)

13th and 14th June 2016, Santa Barbara, California, USA

LCTES 2016 Poster Session
This session provides an opportunity for researchers attending LCTES 2016
to present and discuss their research in a more informal setting. This
event will feature concurrent short presentations by participants
organized in poster formats. Each presenter will be allowed a 36" x 36"
space on a panel for their presentation. LCTES 2016 attendees and
people attending other events at the conference site on June 13-14,
will be able to wander among the posters and talk to the authors of the
posters about their research.

In addition, one presenter of each poster will be given a 10 minute slot
during one of the LCTES conference sessions to present slides about
their research.

Therefore, participating at the poster session will allow one to
present her/his research, get feedback by interacting with other
participants, and witness an excellent collection of talks.

If you wish to present a poster display and give a 10 minute slide
presentation of your research, then you should send the title of the
poster, author names, and affiliations to Che-Wei Chang,, who will send a confirmation message once he
receives this information. The deadline for applying for the poster
session is May 6, 2016. Please note that the presenter of the poster
will need to be registered for LCTES. If there are too many applicants
for the poster session, then the applicants who applied first will be
selected. For more information, please contact the LCTES PC Chair
David Whalley,

Related Resources

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