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IE 2014 : 10th International Intelligent Environments Conference


Conference Series : Intelligent Environments
When Jun 30, 2014 - Jul 4, 2014
Where Shanghai, China
Submission Deadline Mar 1, 2014
Notification Due Apr 4, 2014
Final Version Due May 9, 2014
Categories    AI   HCI   pervasive computing   internet of things

Call For Papers

****Call for Short Papers, Workshops& Forums for Intelligent Environments 2014****
Now that the deadline for full papers (8 pages) for Intelligent Environments 2014 has passed, we are focusing on the later calls for short papers, forums and workshops. If you missed the deadline for full papers, why not try a short paper which needs just 4 pages! There are a variety of opportunities to write short papers, such as concept/position, demo, poster, video papers all with a deadline of the 28th Feb 2014. In addition there are two Forums still accepting papers (The Education and Industrial Forums) with deadlines of the 4th April 2014 & 30th May 2014. Finally, there are some 11 workshops, on a variety of topics, with a submission date of 4th April 2014. You can find more details of these events on If you haven't already submitted a paper to IE'14 then maybe one of these calls might be a good opportunity to join us in Shanghai?
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The 10th Intelligent Environments conference and associated workshops are organized by the Departments of Computer Science & Engineering and the Department of Department of Automation of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU).

Intelligent Environments (IEs) use networked computing technology to create environments that are sensitive and responsive to the presence of people. Such environments are as varied as the places people inhabit encompassing settings such as homes, classrooms, factories, transport, clothing and online virtual worlds, They are constructed using a mix of innovative software and hardware concepts and, as such, promote the efficiency of transactions and activities, facilitate presence and participation, improve user experience and enable better or new lifestyles or methods of production.

You are cordially invited to submit a proposal or paper to one of the following:

The Main Conference - Authors are invited to submit regular full papers as well as contributions to the Doctoral Colloquium, Posters Session or Demos & Videos Session. As part of this we are working with the Creative Science Foundation ( and Intel on creating a special "Outer Limits" thread within the conference to motivate an imaginative discussion about the future. All papers accepted in the main conference will be published by the IEEE and electronically available through IEEE Explore In addition, the conference will be submitted for review and indexing to EI Compendex and Thomson ISI.

The Workshops - We invite both workshop proposals and papers for an engaging workshop program that supports both early innovative work and facilitates more practical engagement with like minded people. By proposing your own workshop you can build your own community (many IE workshops are now conferences in their own right). All papers accepted in the Workshops program will be published as a volume of the Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments Series of IOS Press (also ISI indexed) and electronically available through ACM Digital Library.

Forums - Participation is also solicited for an 'Industrial Forum' and an 'Educational Forum' which will include demonstrations, talks and opportunities for networking.

Special Issues - A number of journal issues will be published encompassing core areas of the event including special issues of the Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, Intelligent Buildings International and the Transactions of Future Intelligent Educational Environments.

Awards - There will be various awards for best papers, posters and demonstrations.

Celebration - Being the 10th Anniversary of the Intelligent Environments conference series, we are planning to mark this occasion with some special events, that we will announce later.

For more information visit our website at:
Or register with our social networking group:

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