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ICCWS 2014 : 9th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security


When Mar 24, 2014 - Mar 25, 2014
Where West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    cyber warfare   security   GOVERNANCE   security research

Call For Papers

The conference will provide the opportunity for the cyber warfare and security community of interest and practice to gather and exchange their views on the current state of the security research, governance and implementation. The location will allow for individual and small group presentations followed by topical discussions. The conference is intended to draw an audience of practitioners, researchers, consultants and regulators from academia, business and government.

The ICCWS has consistently managed to bring together a variety of people from different countries, backgrounds and experiences.

We hope that you will be able to be part of ICCWS 2014.

Related Resources

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