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DLT School 2018 : 1st Scientific School on Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies


When Jun 12, 2018 - Jun 15, 2018
Where Pula, Sardinia, Italy
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    blockchain   cryptocurrencies   bitcoin   etherum

Call For Papers

1st Scientific School on Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies

Pula, Sardinia, Italy

12-15 June 2018



Crypto economics is a new discipline born after the rise of virtual currencies and distributed ledger technologies, and is rapidly developing in a unique intersection between computing, cryptography, law, economics, and game theory. The school aims at disseminating knowledge about the foundations and the applications of these technologies to researchers, PhD students, scholars and technologists in industry and academia, not excluding under- or new graduates with strong technical drive and a sufficient background.


The school will be hosted at the Technology Park of Sardinia in Pula (Sardinia, Italy).
Travel and accommodation information are available on the school website.


The registration and attendance is FREE of charge. However, as we may not be able to accomodate all the applicants, the attendees will be selected by the scientific committee on a CV best-match basis. This implies that candidates showing the attitude to receive the most value from the lectures will be given higher priority. The school plans for a maximum of 38 attendees with a quota of 12 seats reserved to scholars coming from CRS4, University of Cagliari and from SMEs located in Sardinia. Should this quota remain unfilled, the remainder seats will be redistributed to waitlisted partecipants.

Prospective participants should apply through the school web page by:
April 15, 2018
Notification of accepted applicants will be posted by:
April 31, 2018.
School dates:
June 12-15, 2018


Silvio Micali (MIT). Algorand: a truly distributed ledger
Paolo Tasca (UCL). TBA
Rainer Böhme (Univ. Innsbruck). Incentives Matter: On the Economics and Governance of Blockchain-based Systems
Stefano Bistarelli (Univ. Perugia). From mining to multisigned transactions: discovering how Bitcoin works
Massimo Simbula. Bitcoin revolution a legal perspective
Michele Nati (Digital Catapult). Reputation and personal data in the blockchain age
Federico Tenga (Chainside). Bitcoin Scalability, payment channels and lightning networks
Michele Marchesi (Univ. Cagliari). Software engineering methodologies for blockchain development
Davide Carboni (CRS4). Introduction to Ethereum and smart contracts
Mauro Pili (Paymeabit). Web3: a platform for decentralized apps
Massimo Bartoletti, Livio Pompianu,Alessandro Sebastian Podda, Nicola Atzei (Univ. Cagliari). Hands on lab on Bitcoin
Mauro Pili, Andrea Pinna, Marco Ortu, Simona Ibba (Univ. Cagliari). Hands on lab on Ethereum


Massimo Bartoletti, University of Cagliari
Davide Carboni, CRS4 Pula (chair)
Salvatore Carta, University of Cagliari
Rocco De Nicola, IMT Lucca
William Knottenbelt, Imperial College of London
Michele Marchesi, University of Cagliari
Francesco Piras, Associazione Bitcoin Sardegna

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