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RMC 2016 2016 : 2nd Intl. Rapid Mashup Challenge


When Jun 6, 2016 - Jun 6, 2016
Where Lugano, Switzerland
Submission Deadline Apr 15, 2016
Notification Due Apr 29, 2016
Categories    computer science   mashups   challenge   web apis/services

Call For Papers


June 6, 2015, Lugano, Switzerland

Co-located with ICWE 2016:

What’s the most complex, expressive and elegantly constructed mashup you can build in 10 minutes with your own tool, platform, approach? Participate in the Challenge and demonstrate what you can do!

The 2nd International Rapid Mashup Challenge launches again a competition between mashup approaches/tools with special attention to their expressiveness and speed. We invite developers and researchers working on mashups, mashup tools and assisting technologies to compete in the creation of the most interesting and/or complex mashup they can develop within a given time boundary, using a given set of source components. The goal of the Challenge is to allow everybody working on mashups and composite Web applications to showcase their ideas and solutions and to establish an event that is both challenging and fun.

We are interested in all kinds of mashup composition tools and approaches: from programming languages, domain-specific languages to natural language, from visual modeling tools to textual ones, etc. Submissions will be screened based on relevance, originality and maturity. Admitted contributions will be evaluated as follows: Points will be given (i) by the organizers for the supported mashup features based on the initial submission (see the checklist) and (ii) by the audience for the complexity of the mashup, the elegance of its construction and the showcased features of the mashup tool based on the live demonstration.


Admission: Submit your application by April 15, 2016. The application should include a brief description of proposed tool/approach and a filled feature checklist.

Preparation: If your proposal is accepted to the challenge, you will receive a list of Web APIs that are allowed to be used to compose the mashup during the competition. You will thus have a little more than one month before the conference to get ready.

Competition: During the ICWE conference you will give a live demonstration of how you build your mashup in exactly 10 minutes. The resulting mashup will be also demonstrated and evaluated by a jury and the audience.

Post-Challenge: You have the opportunity to publish a paper explaining your solution to the challenge and giving technical details about your approach and how it was used to rapidly build the mashup.


Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the Challenge and printed by Springer in its Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) Series.


Applications should be formatted according to Springer’s LNCS guidelines ( and not be longer than 4 pages. If admitted to the challenge, you will then be allowed to extend your application into a full-length research paper of up to 18 pages of length, same LNCS format, and submit it to be reviewed after the challenge took place.

Submit your tool applications via EasyChair:

The application to participate should follow the conventional structure of a demo paper: title, abstract, goals of your approach, proposed solution, level of maturity, plus some words on how your live demonstration could looks like and a filled feature checklist.


Submission of application: April 15, 2016
Notification of acceptance: April 29, 2016
Rapid Mashup Challenge: June 6, 2016
Final paper ready: July 4, 2016
Review feedback: August 1, 2016
Camera ready due: September 12, 2016


Florian Daniel, University of Trento, Italy,
Martin Gaedke, Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany,

Florian Daniel
Politecnico di Milano, DEIB
Via Ponzio 34/5
20133 Milano, Italy

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